I am so blown away at the way that God has changed me and I have only been here for 5 weeks. I am so blessed and excited to see what is coming next. I know that He has so much for me in this short time while I am here and what He wants to teach me before I return home different than when I left. I am glad to say that He isn't done with me yet either. He has taught me already how to hear His voice more clearly and how to trust in Him alone. I know that God has things to show me here that will help me for the rest of my life. Thank you Lord for your favor and your rich blessings Thank you Lord for your love and your grace. Thank you Lord that You choose to use a sinner saved by Grace like me. Thank you Lord that I am here because this is where Your presence for me is. Thank you that YOU have brought me to a place of still waters and rest. Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning and that I get to have the privilege of knowing you so magnificently in my life. Thank you for new adventures and new lessons. I am so blessed that I get to be here while you change me. May I carry this with me for the rest of my life. AMEN!!!