God can even use roaches

I share this with you so that you can understand what God is doing to change me and make me live outside of my feelings and circumstances. The place I live is wonderful, it is full of love, joy, laughter about jokes we have had being altogether, but then when the night comes and everyone goes to sleep, it gets quiet and other things happen. Now coming from a household where roaches are the enemy and my parents and now my brother in law go on roach hunts, I now live in a place where roaches reside. Now please understand that this isn't a complaining post by me, it is something God is changing in me and teaching me through these small creatures. The other night, after a great night of fellowship and the word at our evening service, I believe God had a job for me to do and so reluctantly I learned and hopefully passed the test. I went to bed feeling tired from the day and as I laid down with in 20 minutes I was awaken by a roach in my room, running around and trying to get to me in my bed. I will tell you that when you are trying to sleep and they are rustling things near your head it is a bit hard to sleep, besides God clearly wanted me to be awake. Now stay with me on this for a second, God used this roach to teach me a HUGE lesson and so I want you to see that, to me THAT is the bottom line. No matter what God uses the bottom line is that He has a lesson for me. OK, so I am sitting in my bed, asking God what He wants me to do. He tells me to just pray in the Spirit. As I begin to pray in the Spirit, the noise quiets. So I lay down and try to sleep, well the noise starts again and I get frustrated. I then hear the little boy who has been sick in our house begin to cry, and then I begin to pray and silence begins again. So I lay back down and you guessed it, this cycle of first the roach, then crying, then praying, then peace, and I lay down. But nevertheless it happens again. This cycle happened until 5 am in the morning. As I prayed and tried to hear God through all of this, a few things happened. First, I prayed against distraction and God allowed my prayer to be answered, then I prayed for the people God laid on my heart. See during the day that day, God asked me to fast. I obeyed and then all of these things happened. I believe that I attracted the attention of the enemy when I fasted so during the dark hours when I was hungry and tired, God asked me to fast for another 3 days. So I obliged and continued to pray. The thing is, that I believe that when I prayed that night, I believe that God broke something for me. I believe that although it was rough God allowed me to experience something that He has desired from me for a while. That is the clear obedience about fasting and doing it because it truly breaks things in the spirit world. See I find it interesting that roaches love darkness, they scatter when light shows up, they hide in the darkness and desire not to be seen. Has anyone ever noticed that? They don't come out and say HI when the lights are on, they wait until no one can see them and then make their appearance. It sounds a lot like the enemy, a lot like how he operates. He comes out when we aren't prepared, when we are spiritually sleeping, when we are spiritually in the dark and then God shines His magnificent light and the enemy scatters. This may seem weird or funny to you, but I hope you see what God showed me. There was something in the night that the enemy wanted from me, and God in all His wisdom kept me awake from allowing the enemy to win. I believe that God used that roach to keep me up, so that I would do what was hard and what my flesh didn't want me to do. I told Mele the next day and she went through my room and sprayed. Nothing was in there but let me just say, Thursday night when I went to bed, I heard another roach come in to my room to try and cause another sleepless night for me. I began to pray again and just let go of my flesh wanting to sleep but this time, the roach ran into part of my room, fell over and died. I watched it with my own eyes and that is when I knew something had changed. I knew that God had changed the game at that point and that the things I was praying for would be accomplished. I knew that I was heard by my loving God and that He desired to change things for me as well. I am so glad that God has a sense of humor and that He infinitely knows what is best for us. I am so glad His thoughts are higher than my thoughts and His ways are higher than my ways. Praise the Lord.


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