Sharing with Youth

I was honored when I was asked to speak to the youth of Tonga Faith Church (the Church I attend) and to share with them last Friday night. I prayed and God spoke through me about Extraordinary people who all had one thing in common, Obedience. I shared with them about Joseph, Esther, Samuel and Jesus Himself and how they were all obedient to God's calling and the plan He had set before each of them. I was shared that each  of them had a choice and they had an opportunity to be obedient, even if it cost them their lives. And for Jesus I shared that He was obedient even unto death. I shared a little of my testimony and that I chose to be obedient when the Lord called me out of my prison almost 6 years ago now. Like it says in 1 Samuel 15:22-"Obedience is better than sacrifice," and sometimes Obedience IS our sacrifice. That isn't always the case but sometimes it is. We need to recognize that there are moments when we obey the word of the Lord and He honors that AS our sacrifice. I wanted them to understand that the people in the bible weren't necessarily special on their own but God could use them as He chose when they decided to be obedient to His call. I love that Samuel was obedient even as a little child. I love that and I want that for my children, I want them to be obedient to the voice of the Lord at a young age. I want them to recognize it and honor His words. When I was about 4 or 5 years old I remember being in my room after my parents have put me into bed and sitting there talking to God about what He wanted me to do in my life. I remember that my mom would always tell me stories about me and how I had behaved during the day, but there was always a point in her story when God would whisper to Pickany (that was the name I picked for myself) "Pickany? Pickany?" and then proceed to tell me what I needed to hear, but I love that whether my mom knew it or not, she would remind me that God would call my name and let me know that I had broken His heart about something. I will never forget that because she made me more aware of the fact that God truly speaks to us. We just have to be willing to listen and then act upon His word. Ask God what you can be obedient about today? Or Ask if you can be better at obedience in an area that you have tried yourself and failed. He will whisper your name too and share with you His heart if you let Him. Ask God and let that be your first act of obedience!


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