Luke 5:33-6:5

I know I have been sharing my experiences with you and yet this morning, I feel like I need to share with you what God showed me during my time with Him this morning. Its Luke 5:33-6:5, It talks about the religious leaders asking Jesus about fasting and then the disciples picking wheat on the Sabbath. If you haven't read it, please take the time to read it so you get a sense of what I am talking about. Jesus was talking to the religious leaders about fasting and they couldn't understand how come His disciples didn't fast and pray. Then He spoke of the parable of the old wine skins and the new wine skins. I have read this portion of scripture many times in church and things and yet today I caught something new. Jesus was telling the old religious leaders that they were so set in their ways that the new ideas Jesus taught they wouldn't understand because of their rigid thinking. And then it goes on to talk about the Disciples picking wheat on the Sabbath. And again he shared with the religious leaders that their way of thinking was old and lawful that they couldn't accept what Jesus came to this earth for. He brought up David when he and his men were hungry and at the consecrated bread that was meant for only the priests. By comparing Himself and His disciples to David and his men, Jesus was saying, "If you condemn me, then you also condemn David." I love the last statement that Jesus makes. "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath." He was showing them again that the Creator was greater than the creation and that He may have a different way of doing things, are we willing to conform to His way instead of our own.  I began to think about how many times we get that way with Jesus. How many times do we say, "God it isn't supposed to go like that, it should be this way." I am guilty of it too. We tend to think that what we have been doing for so long has worked that it is what is best, but family, that isn't always the case. We need to come to terms with the fact that we could have it all wrong. We could be worshipping wrong, in John chapter 4 it talks about worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, I know I don't always do that, how about you? What if we are doing church wrong, or ministering wrong? Are we willing to sit, wait and listen to the Lord about how to do it His way? Or are we so set in our old ways, that God can't come in and create something new because we are old used wineskins that aren't pliable and can't expand with the new thing God is doing? Or are we ready for God to come in and do a new thing because we are like the new wine skins or we are like the Disciples and can eat the grain because the Sabbath was made to serve us, not us to the Sabbath. Lord, Please change us and allow us to be flexible in EVERYTHING we do. Allow us to be clay in your hands so that you can mold us and make us more like you. Please allow us not to get comfortable in our own ways that we forget to stay pliable. AMEN!! I desire to be more flexible and willing to look at myself when I get a bit rigid and set in my ways. I want to be like that new wine skin.


Anonymous said…
Excellent post, Tamara. Sounds like you are doing what you wanted to do...sharing the Word of God. love u.

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