Why do you let people treat you like you do? I know you have an amazing heart and just want everyone you love to get along and love each other too. Believe me when I say that I am exactly like that too. I want the ones I love to accept the other ones and I just want everyone to get along so I understand how you feel. I see your heart, but I am protective of you, if you haven’t noticed. I want others to see you that way too. I know that not everyone gets to see you for who you are like I do and I know that not everyone should, thanks for that. I do get concerned though when I see that others take advantage of you. I know that you love them and you desire the best out of them too, but sometimes loving them means you have to let go. Sometimes loving them means tough love too! I am learning how to do that, trust me it isn’t easy but I want to keep reminding you that I see a lot of me in you and so I know why you do this. I see your heart and how truly loving you are, I see you changing and I am just so blessed by you. I see you growing so gracefully and I am just brought to tears because of you and how God is changing you. I love to see it in you. I know that you may not feel that way or may not see it but I do and I am just so proud of you. I know that you love others the way God wants you to, thank you for the reminder. I am reminded that we are to love God and others without limits and I see you doing that more and more. Thank you for that. I see you honestly changing right before my eyes, I love it. Thank you for allowing me this privilege. I also want you to know though that when I say that I am proud of you, it doesn’t mean that I don’t see the other stuff too. I want you to know I do but I look past it to see your heart. I know that things aren’t perfect. I want you to know that you can be real with me, in EVERY way. I want you to know that you don’t have to protect me and not show me that side because I am proud of you. We all fail and fall. We all let others down, I don’t want you to think for one second, I am not strong enough for that side of you. I AM! Just like when I need you to be strong for me, I am strong for you too! This is a two way street but you have to let me do that for you. I know that you probably think that isn’t the case but you CAN’T do this alone. You won’t make it how God wants you to, you won’t be ALL that He created you to be if you don’t let me help you get through things. I know that there are a lot of factors in your life and I know that there are a lot of emotions tied to those. I know that you also have to be healthy in yourself before you can help others. Believe me I had to learn that as well. When I say I have gone through it, I really have and I had to do it alone. I know you know that since we have talked about it. I love that you realize I do understand that you don’t have to do things alone. I tell you I am proud of you all the time because I know that others don’t and I want you to see the amazing person that God created you to be and I want you to see that you can do things that even you maybe didn’t think were possible. I know that you need others to believe in you, I do too. You need to know that you are loved by others and to have a healthy relationship with them. I know that you need to know that you aren’t in this alone and I am so grateful to God that he allows me to share his heart with you. Even though I can’t be there all the time, I know that Jesus is, He loves you more than I ever could and He will ALWAYS have your best interest at heart. He sees when you cry yourself to sleep and when you get frustrated about things that you can’t control. This isn’t stuff you don’t know, I realize that. I just love you and want to see you be who God created you to be. You are moving in that direction and you are changing, I see it first hand. I am just want you to know that even if no one else knows, I DO! But I guess you already know that right! :) I love you!!!!