Which one are you?

There are people in my life that bring out the best in me. There are also people who bring out my worst. Do you have anyone like that? Do you understand what I mean? I have people who bring out the qualities that God has given me to help others, love others and to shine his light to the world. Then I have others who bring out the rebellious, hurtful, selfish side of me. I love all the people in my life but I do also know that I can't spend too much time with the latter. I know that when I am around them for too long the things of this world creep in and they try to settle there. I know that because I lived there for a while they seem to settle much more quickly than I remember, they seem to take root alot faster at times. I notice that they don't need watering or attention, but the lack of attention you give them they seem to grow at a rapid rate. I know that if you aren't careful they will tend to take over the good that is in your life. I have seen it many times in others and yet I have seen it happen alot more in me. I am learning how to love people from a distance and how to show them I care without having to spend time with them and be invaded by the worldly qualities in others. I know that my life hasn't always been a good example of how to love Jesus with all you have and love him with reckless abandon but I want that to be all others see in me now. I can't change the past, I can't make others see it different, nor would I want to. I am who I am today because of everything I went through. I wouldn't take it back for a second, honestly not anything. I know that each tear I cried, every word I said and each heartache I endured made today more rich, so to me its worth every pain. Others may not see that but I know who I am today because of what happened. I also know that I don't desire to be around people who bring that out in me. My life has changed, I am different, I am not the same, yet around certain people I revert back to who I was. That isn't a way to live, being freed from something and then turning right back around and walking back into your cell. Not wise at all and I know that there was a time when I did that and the repercutions were too numerous. It talks about that in the bible, how you have to make a clean break. If you turn around and go back to it the consiquences are multiplied and it will be harder to escape from the next time. I went around that mountain one too many times, I don't want to take another lap around in the wilderness. I am in my promised land, why would I return to the wilderness. Like I said before I love my friends, but for me to grow in the Lord, I have to draw my line in the sand. I have to put my foot down and love them from a distance. I can't get caught up in the things that they are doing and I can't get dragged through the mud when it isn't my fight. I will pray for them and love on them but to return to who I used to be would be denying who I am today, I am just not willing to do that. I am not willing to compromise on who I am today, not for anyone or anything. I am more than a conquerer in Christ. I am FREE!!!!!!! To the ones who bring out the best in me, I love you for what you do and thank you for allowing me to be me. All of me, who Christ created me to be, and encouraging that always in my life. Thank you, I will truly never be able to repay you. To the ones who don't, I love you no matter what, but please understand my heart, there are too many lives at stake for me to not live up to my full potential. I promise that if things change in your life you too will bring out my best, but until then, know I love you. Even if it has to be from a difference. If you aren't sure which one you are, just think of the things that we do and talk about (JESUS) when we are together and you will totally know. I love you and I thank the Lord for you, either way. Know you are always in my heart and prayers. Thank you Jesus for the people you have placed in my life. I love you so much and I am just so amazed that you love me just as I am. Thank you. Please help others to see you in me, help them desire to be close to you, and please soften their hearts towards you every time we talk. I love you and thank you.