Feeling it all

Life is so interesting in the ways that it seems to work. I thought last year at this time I had everything all figured out. I knew what God was going to do and I knew that things were going to end up a certain way. Can I just say, God knows best EVERYTIME! I know that He sees my heart in the waiting and he sees me in this day resting too. I know that eventhough last year I thought I figured it out and had a path set before me, once again, God changed me and through this changed possibilities in my life. This year has truly been alittle easier than the last. Only because I was fighting myself for so long that one day I looked up and it was over. I am now trying to just enjoy moments whether good or bad. I want to make sure that I feel everything so that I can always look back and know that whether good or bad, I felt it. Whether it is the sweet sting of lonliness, or the smiling embrace of a child. I want to feel it all. The sadness that comes when someone who shares your heart and knows your thoughts leaves for a time. It is hard to think about that but I know that in it all I FEEL. Good or bad I still know that I am alive and I FEEL. I want to embrace it all and take the good with the bad. I have people in my life that encourage me to feel even when its hard. I have been able to witness miracles lately that I didn't know I would ever see. I have prayed and prayed for them but I still was unsure if I would see them again. Well God in his amazing love and grace let me have my miracle. I am blessed by you and I know that I wouldn't be the same and have the same confidence in Christ, like I do today without you. I love you! I know that things change and I am excited to see what God is going to do now in us. Please let go of the past, the good and the bad. Please let go of the things that tie you to this world. Whether it be things, memories or people. Please so that we can move on together and accomplish what God has for us to do. I need you and I know that I can't do this without you. There are things that we need to do together and apart for the common goal. You are apart of me, now and forever. I know that might seem hard to see now but it is true. I love you with all my heart and I want to see the best come out in you. Get rid of all that stands in your way to be who you need to. Get rid of all the things that don't bring out your best. We are linked now and anything you walk through I am there. Anything I walk through, I am confident you are there. Please know that I love you from the bottom of my SOUL! You are my heart and you will always be my strength. Even if you don't want to be, I love you!!!!!


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