Inside or Out?

What is beauty? To different people it means different things. To some beauty is having good hair, stylish clothes, being skinny, always looking like you have it together, and having a pretty face. Some even change their face and bodies so that they can look beautiful. So if beauty is on the outside then how come God made you look a certain way? If he never makes mistakes then why do we act like he does? if his ways are perfect then how come we treat ourselves and others like His plans are flawed? Who told you that you weren't beautiful? Just because that might be one person's opinion, doesn't mean its everyones, or even that its true. I think everyone struggles with this issure, guys and girls alike. The difference is that more girls than guys seem to struggle in general with it. Every girl wants someone to think she is beautiful. Here is the real problem, sure you can change what you look like but if you don't like who you are than why change the outside? The problem remains, you don't like YOU!!!! Here in Southern California, especially in OC we are so stuck on the outward appearance we seem to never be happy just being us. The person you were originally created to be. To me that is no way to live, ever. You have to like yourself for who you are first. Then you may start to appreciate who you were created to be and look like. I am not saying that changing certain things about you is bad, it isn't. I believe we can always improve outselves, but to try and be someone we weren't created to be, that just isn't right. For example, changing fixable habits or things is great, like working out because you ate all the good christmas fudge, that is good for you to do. I just feel like when we try and change how we were created to look first we are insulting our creator. Saying that we know better than he does and that just simply isn't true. Now back to the inner stuff. We need to change our outlook, reactions, and all so we can see ourselves through Jesus' eyes. We have to ask him to show us. The thing about beauty is that it really does come from the inside. If you have not only the Love of Jesus but want to see yourself and others through His eyes than He will show you. Be prepared because you have to look past the human parts to see the heart. You may not like what you see in you but that is where the change really starts. It happens first in you heart and then fills up the rest of you. You will have a new outlook on yourself and others. You will see beauty in places and things that you never thought you would see. You may also see ugliness in places and things you never thought you would. Its a strange thing, this beauty. Just remember, Yes, beauty is in the eye of the Beholder, but it is also in the hearts and lives of God's Children. You are beautiful, walk in that today! Be set free and don't live under the lie that you aren't. No one in this world can be you, NO ONE but YOU!!!!! Take pride in you uniqueness, God created you for a specific job and has you look a certain way because HE needs you to. You are BEAUTIFUL!!! Believe it!