
As a little girl I was afraid of EVERYTHING! Seriously, I was honestly afraid of even my own shadow, and I can't tell you how many of my mom's shoes I busted. I was terrified of everything and yet in my room late at night I would do spiritual warfare at 4 and 5 years old. I am not sure how come those things didn't frighten me, but maybe it is because I was to be a warrior as an adult and I needed to train and practice. I am not sure but I do know that now as an adult it did help me over come things. I remember being so afraid that I wouldn't face a certain direction when I slept because it faced the street and I had bad dreams when I slept that way. I am telling you, afraid of everything. Part of the problem was that my mom would tell me of the evil in the world so that I would be aware and yet all that did was make me more fearful. Things like fear WILL get passed on to your children and that is a hard one to fight. One time when we were living at my gramdmothers house for a few months I remember telling my dad he wasn't allowed to watch the news around me. He wasn't allowed to say guns or kidnappings or those types of words because I was so terrified. When we moved into our new home things began to change for me. I think mentally it was because I was upstairs now in my room and so I felt a bit safer. I figured it would take alot more work for someone to take me out of my room upstairs than when I was on the ground floor. At a young age I received the gift of tongues so that I had a chance to fight even when I didn't know what to say. It has been such an amazing tool for battle, and it has been my training ground. Thank you Jesus and my parents for preparing me so young. This is something that has allowed me to break out of my fears and walk in faith.
I know others who have this tool and choose to still walk in fear. I see it around me and I am saddened by this choice they have made. To walk in freedom and in faith you have to let the fear GO! You have to trust your Amazing Creator more than the circumstances around you. You have to know that even when it hurts, even when it is uncomfortable, even when things are changing around you and yet things in your life aren't changing, when it seems like everyone you know is moving on in their lives and you feel like you are standing still in a room, God is faithful. You don't have to live in fear. You don't have to feel like there is no way out. You don't have to feel like fear is easier to walk in. It isn't and that is a lie. You can choose to live by faith, you can choose to live by what you know and not what you see. You can choose to love fearlessly, boundlessly, and whole-heartedly so that you can recieve that in return. You can choose to let others love you the same way. You can choose to let go of the fear of the past and allow those things to keep you cautious but not rule you. You can choose to walk out of fear that would hold you back from what God wants for you, and walk in freedom. I see people I love dearly living in fear and wanting me to live in that place as well. They want me to not step out in what I KNOW God has shown me so that they aren't reminded of where they are. I love you and I want God's best for you but I REFUSE to live in fear. I REFUSE to be held back by fear and not accomplish what God has for me. I REFUSE to allow myself one second of fear to take over so that I loose the blessing God wants for me. I know things in life are scarry and I know that fear sometimes grips your heart and you can't do anything about that, but you can choose to not walk in it. You can choose to pray for strength and you can choose to not let it RULE you! You have a choice, I have a choice and it is what we do with that, that makes us warriors or spectators. I am being honest and I want you to know that things scare me. I don't want you to think that I don't ever fear anything because that just isn't true. When I speak these things alot of times I am talking to me as well. I just know that to choose to walk in that and base all of your decisions on Fear, that isn't how God designed us to live. He didn't desire us to walk cautiously and fearfully into the next thing in life. That is what 1Peter 5:7 is in the bible for, but what if our soldiers entered war with the same fearful attitude. That sure wouldn't do us any good. We are called to stand up and fight, we are called to engage in battle and live fearlessly. Don't let yourself be held back anymore by fear. Life is more enjoyable when you live it the way you were meant to, Fearlessly! I choose to walk in that freedom today! I choose to be FEARLESS!!!!!!!!
I know others who have this tool and choose to still walk in fear. I see it around me and I am saddened by this choice they have made. To walk in freedom and in faith you have to let the fear GO! You have to trust your Amazing Creator more than the circumstances around you. You have to know that even when it hurts, even when it is uncomfortable, even when things are changing around you and yet things in your life aren't changing, when it seems like everyone you know is moving on in their lives and you feel like you are standing still in a room, God is faithful. You don't have to live in fear. You don't have to feel like there is no way out. You don't have to feel like fear is easier to walk in. It isn't and that is a lie. You can choose to live by faith, you can choose to live by what you know and not what you see. You can choose to love fearlessly, boundlessly, and whole-heartedly so that you can recieve that in return. You can choose to let others love you the same way. You can choose to let go of the fear of the past and allow those things to keep you cautious but not rule you. You can choose to walk out of fear that would hold you back from what God wants for you, and walk in freedom. I see people I love dearly living in fear and wanting me to live in that place as well. They want me to not step out in what I KNOW God has shown me so that they aren't reminded of where they are. I love you and I want God's best for you but I REFUSE to live in fear. I REFUSE to be held back by fear and not accomplish what God has for me. I REFUSE to allow myself one second of fear to take over so that I loose the blessing God wants for me. I know things in life are scarry and I know that fear sometimes grips your heart and you can't do anything about that, but you can choose to not walk in it. You can choose to pray for strength and you can choose to not let it RULE you! You have a choice, I have a choice and it is what we do with that, that makes us warriors or spectators. I am being honest and I want you to know that things scare me. I don't want you to think that I don't ever fear anything because that just isn't true. When I speak these things alot of times I am talking to me as well. I just know that to choose to walk in that and base all of your decisions on Fear, that isn't how God designed us to live. He didn't desire us to walk cautiously and fearfully into the next thing in life. That is what 1Peter 5:7 is in the bible for, but what if our soldiers entered war with the same fearful attitude. That sure wouldn't do us any good. We are called to stand up and fight, we are called to engage in battle and live fearlessly. Don't let yourself be held back anymore by fear. Life is more enjoyable when you live it the way you were meant to, Fearlessly! I choose to walk in that freedom today! I choose to be FEARLESS!!!!!!!!