
"A warrior is one who is engaged aggressively in or experienced in battle. A warrior possesses the dedication that money can't buy. A warrior is someone who fights, not because of what [he/]she is getting out of it, but because of what [he/]she can give. A warrior is a soldier with a "die for the cause" attitude. A warrior will do whatever it takes to ensure victory. A soldier signs up to join the fight; a warrior stays until it is finished." -Warrior Chicks, Holly Wagner
Wow! That is the kind of warrior I want to be, I want to fight for my friends and family. I want to see victory for them, and I will fight to the death for them all. I want to see freedom and I want to have them become warriors and fight too for others. I know this may seem silly but I totally believe that as a child of God that is my duty. I can either sit in the stands and be a spectator, which there are always more spectators than players in a game, or I can choose to be in the midst of the game, or war. I can choose to give up my position because I don't want to get down and dirty or I can fight. I talked about in an earlier post about trudging through the dirt and mire so that we can see others saved. I believe at times that is warfare as well as love. I believe that we need to get down and dirty with these people so that we can show them how to do that for others. My dad said once, "Your life will affect thousands of people you will never meet," now he was talking about a parental responsibility but I believe it is true in this case as well. Pray for others, fight for their lives, stay focused and engage in the battle at hand. You never know who you might be fighting for, you never know if this one person could be affecting thousands and because of your obedience and dedication to warfare then you will be apart of that, only through God's loving grace. How cool is that to be able to see the Kingdom of Heaven furthered and to see the Kingdom of Heaven growing. What a blessing to be apart of that change, whether it be great or small.

I am not sure if you know this song but as a child we used to sing it all the time. "The Lords Army," we had hand motions and all but the words are interesting as I look back on them today. "I may never march in the infantry, ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery. I may never fly o'er the enemy but I'm in the Lords Army, Yes sir. I 'm in the Lords Army, Yes sir. I'm in the Lords army, yes sir. I may never march in the infantry, ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery. I may never fly o'er the enemy but I'm in the Lords army, YES SIR!" I like this song because we are in an army and we are needing to fight, I just want to make sure that my focus is in the right place so that I can fight effectively. I want you to know that I am fighting for you. I am praying for you and desiring to see you grow in a deeper relationship with the Lord. I desire that God would touch you through his word and cause a fire to rise in you. I desire to see the Lord raise you up as a warrior and to engage in the battle at hand. Remember you battle is not against flesh and blood. Remember that you are more than a conquerer in Christ, and always make sure that you have your armor on. The helmet of Salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of Peace, take up the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Ok now that you are ready for battle, ask God what fighting you need to do, for who and GO FOR IT!!!! I will meet you on the battlefield and we can fight together. Thank you Jesus for warfare, thank you for all that encompasses, and thank you that you have called us to be WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!
