
How do we know forsure that we hear the voice of the Lord? How can we tell that the way we are walking is right? How can we know with out a doubt that the dreams we have are God's way of talking to us? How can we know that we are walking into a new season? How can we be sure that the life that we are moving into is all that God has promised? How can we know that when the world says, "No." God still says, "YES!" How can we be sure of those things? How can we know that we are truly forgiven and that these next steps of our life is going to change the course of history if we hold on? How can we know that the visions we see and the things in the spirit world are happening in the physical just the same, and sometime the physical needs to catch up? How can we be sure that the things we see with our physical eyes, isn't all there is?
FAITH, being SURE of what you hope for and the evidence of things unseen. But really what is that when the world seems to be crumbling around you? You know what it is? I sure don't really, it isn't tangible like my pen or paper. It isn't even a feeling like suffering or pain. I can tell you all the things it isn't and I can do my best to explain what I know that it is but really, I don't know. I know who does and the best part about this is that I don't have to have all the answers. I don't have to know it all, that isn't my job. My job is to trust and let God himself lead and guide me. I am not sure why these things are hard and I am not sure why things don't always happen in life as fast as we think. I do know that God is in love with you and he will do WHATEVER it takes to get to you. I know that God will speak to you through dreams to get to your heart. I know though that the goal isn't the things, its HIM! You have to be totally saturated and totally emersed in Him before things can change. I know that things are hard and I know that I sure as heck don't understand the things that are going on around us, but I know that when all is stripped away. When we need an answer to everything and yet there isn't one, he is the only answer that we need. He is the only thing that seems to make sense. He just wants your heart. He wants you to know that no matter the circumstance, no matter how bleek it gets, no matter how hard life is, no matter how many times you have to hear others tell you how to live your life, no matter all that, He is the answer. In HIM you will find FULLNESS OF JOY! In Him you will find all you need. The rest of this stuff is exactly that, STUFF! It is all his anyway and we don't really deserve it. I think sometimes he tests our hearts to see if we want the stuff more than him, when we let it go and let HIM love us like he wants, then we are truly fulfilled. Thank you Jesus that we don't have to have all the answers, thank you that we don't have to even understand all that happens. I am just so grateful that no matter what you remain, FAITHFUL! Thank you that the only answer that matters and I need is YOU! Thank you for that and thank you that you love us enough to give us more. Thank you that you allow us to understand your heart for us. Thank you that you allow us to receive both your presents and your presence. Thank you that no matter what, your presence is all I desire. Thank you and I love you Jesus!!!!