Thank you Jesus!!!!

Thank you Jesus for change, change of attitudes, situations, people, lives, surroundings, careers, families, friends, hearts, and change itself. Last night you Lord asked me to pray about something to change me. I know that you want me to rush to your feet and lift others to you. I want to not let my flesh get in the way like it does at times, Help me to be quick, to be faster at running to your feet and laying it all down, AGAIN! Thank you that even in those places you meet us. Thank you that no matter what I do nothing can separate me from your love. Thank you so much. Thank you for speaking to me when I need an attitude adjustment and thank you that you reveal things to me that are what I need to hear at that particular time. Thank you for loving me through it all. Thank you for showing me that you have me here, "For such a time as this." Esther 4:14 Thank you Jesus, Thank you for molding me, even as a young girl, and making me with the people that you have made my lifetime friends. I know that you have used every situation and thing in my life to make my testimony better. I know that no matter what every second of it was worth it. Thank you Lord for the Laughs and Heartache, the joy and the tears, the taking pleasure in others and the pain they cause as well. Thank you that you are still Sovereign and that nothing that happens in my life hasn't passed through your hands first. Thank you for that filter. Thank you that even when I don't feel like praising you, you allow me to choose it and command that of my soul. Thank you that today I have the opportunity again to choose to worship you with all of me. Jesus I just want you to be my source of everything so that I may be a blessing to others, to pour out what you pour into me. I want to be that pitcher that is filled with only you Lord and just be the vessel that it is poured from, I want to make myself available to you. I want you to use me and let only you be see. Please Lord, make me invisible. I want only you to be seen in and through every fabric of my life. I know I see it but please allow others to only see that. Just like when you are wanting water and you pour it out of a pitcher, you don't honor the pitcher that it was poured out of you are only concerned with getting the water that is in it. Lord I know that may not be clear but please know that I am so grateful this life isn't about me. Thank you that my life is only about you. Please help me live that way and show others how to as well. Thank you for the opportunity that you have given to me to love you and love others. Thank you that today is new and that you have new things for me. Thank you that no matter what you are my life source in everything. Thank you that I can come to you with any situation and you give me direction. Thank you that you change my heart all the time. Thank you that you love me just as I am and that you created me to be me. Thank you for dying for my sins and that I get to spend eternity with you. Thank you for everything and thank you that tomorrow will be even better. Thank you Jesus and I love you!