
There are so many days that just pass by without a thought or a strain, then there are days like today. When I feel like everything is stressful and intense. I know that days like this happen and we tend to try and just make it through them with nothing but an ounce of sanity. Well I choose to not walk in this day like that, I want to be victorious, I want to enjoy today and appreciate that I feel that stress or pressure. I want to appreciate the fact that I honestly have another day to live and please the Lord. I want to honor him with my attitude today and so I want to make sure that I am being thankful even for the though stuff. I know that today isn’t going to be forever and things will change. I just woke up this morning with a sad outlook and I command my soul to praise the Lord. I command my spirit to rise up and do what I was created to do. I see this as such an opportunity to bless others and to learn things about myself that sometimes I seem to forget or miss. I want others to grow and change, I want to see them blessed and I want to see them bless others. I have always been taught that if you want to see change then it has to start with yourself. Well I am desiring to see change in others so I want it to start here. Even if my attitude is the only thing that changes and if God only changes me then at least I will get to see things differently. Regardless of the outcome it is totally worth it. I want to share a bit of what is in my heart today and I hope this is ok and that you see what I am trying to get across. I am ready to see God move mountains for people, I want to see God totally change current situations and I want to see God allow us not be affected by the tough situations that we see around us. I know that a lot of people are loosing their houses and things like this are changing lives of people forever. I am sad to see this and I pray for God’s protection on us all but I really want to see us believe that we can live outside of that. I want others to see that we can live outside of what we see with our Physical eyes and see with the Eyes of the Lord. I want us to trust that God is outside of time and space and so he is going to move sometimes that way. We can’t always see what is going on but I do know that he moves without having to tell us. I am so glad to be able to trust him in all these things. I know that he desires for us to live in the physical world to an extent but also be aware that we are also spiritual beings just as much as physical ones. We need to train that part of our soul to live in its realm and trust that God will talk to us that way. I know this might seem weird to people but I know that things can’t change unless all the pieces of our lives are lined up and that includes the spiritual. Sit down and ask God what he wants to do in you today that will make change in your life happen sooner. But I have to put a disclaimer on this, when you ask that of God and he tells you, you had better do it because if not struggle will come your way. When you come to him and ask him to change you, then please know and be ready for things to change but not how you thought. I am just trying to lay it all out for you. If you want your attitude to change then you might have to give up somethings that you never thought you would. I am just wanting to give you all the information and you can make an educated answer. I will be the first to tell you that when you feel like you want to change, then be ready for it to happen but not without a lot of pain. The Lord leads and Satan drives. When you feel that push behind you, that isn’t the Lord, but when you feel a gentle hand leading you in a direction then you can be sure that is him. When you feel like something is telling you that things will never change and lying to you, You are close to your promise land. Satan will lie to you but always remember the opposite is true. You are doing right by Christ if you feel the enemy lurking everywhere and can’t escape that. When Satan comes at you know that you are walking in the way you are to be, when you feel him breathing down your neck then run down that road and know you are moving in the direction you are supposed to be. You can’t go wrong because God will always move you if you aren’t in the right spot. God will always lead you the right way. Thank you Jesus for making the ground meeting our feet, thank you Jesus!!!!
Very encouraging to hear what the Lord is revealing to you. Keep giving them Jesus!