The Good Fight of Change

Yesterday was a struggle, not in the flesh but in the spirit. I could feel that it was as I went to bed the night before. I was asked by my Gracious Heavenly Father to stay up and fight. So as obedient as I could be I did all I could to stay awake and fight for the others in my life that needed it. I fought for salvation for some, for lives of others, for Christ to do BIG things even still for others. I know that this isn't something that happens all the time, well atleast for some but I have felt tired today. When you engage in warfare, mentally it takes alot out of you. It requires all of you and it requires you to be selfless, I love to be engaged in warfare for others but I know that they also need to be ready to change. I realize that things don't happen always overnight. I know that I would love for them to but I know that isn't the case. I want my family and friends to know that I will do this anytime I am asked to by the Lord. I want them to see Jesus and I want to enjoy eternity with them. I pray for them all the time and fight on their behalf as often as possible. The fight rises up in me and I have to do all I can in my weak flesh to fight for them and to pray that the Power of God would break the chains that set captives free. I do the best I can to walk in freedom so that others know what it looks like. I realize that it can't always happen that way because I am human just like them. I mess up all the time, but I want them to know that Jesus is bigger than that and that he is more capable to change a life by his power. I also want them to see what prayer does, It changes lives and changes them. This fire that I have to pray for others isn't something that I create I just know that when I pray according to God's will then things change. you have to be ready for them to change though. You have to be open to letting God do ALL that he wants and then ask him to then change what you want him to. I believe though that usually if you allow him to change what He wants to, its usually what you want as well. I love that he does that. It just makes me smile to know that God does that for us. He always knows what is best and He knows how to make things better. I love it. He also is a Gentleman though, He will not take something you don't give to him. He will do all that you allow but if you keep a door locked in your heart, He will not intrude. He will go where you invite him, because of that but He will not go where you say no. The Enemy would love to lie to you and tell you that you don't need that or that you aren't any different, but if you have truly given God things in your life that need changing, then I promise he will change them. That is the biggest lie that the enemy has is self-doubt and that you haven't changed. That you aren't going to change and that things will always be this way. Well I think just looking at ourselves we know that isn't true. You lie to yourself if you believe that. Warfare isn't easy and changing isn't easy, believe me. Take it from someone who knows first hand that letting go of people and things that you love, to change isn't ever easy, but it is always the BETTER choice when you are wlaking with God. I know that people have their opinions on how things should be, but in my heart I believe that when you choose to have a relationship with God then that is between you and Him. I know that there are things we need to live by according to the bible but alot of what happens is based on our attitudes and choices. I think certain things God gives us grace on because he needs us to touch lives that only we can touch. I also think that He knows when we are ready to change and he gives us the ability to, when necessary. I love that about him. He doesn't expect us to change instantly and be super christian, although others do, he never gives us more than we can handle and he changes us in his time. Not ours, HIS!!!!! Just know that I am here, on my knees for you, and desiring to see God change your life. I know He can, and He will! IN HIS TIME!!! SO fight the Good Fight, finish the race, and allow his Grace to cover the things that you can't change yet. He will and you will come forth as pure gold. Thank you Jesus that we can stand and fight. Thank you that we can engage in the war, thank you that you have the victory!! Thank you that you WON!!!!