I love you both!

There are so many people that I truly love. Some are harder to love than others but no matter what I do love them. I could write about them all but for now I want to write about these two who have loved me like family. One of them I have known my whole life, or should I say has known me. The other I have known since I was in Jr. High. Each has loved me unconditionally, given me advice when I needed it, listened while I vent, prayed for me while we laugh and cry together, walked with my through my teen years, sang with me when I didn’t deserve to worship God, and done more than I can put into words. Even more than any of those other things they have been examples of who Jesus is and what He can do in a life, opened up their home to me, and called me family. They have allowed me to love their children and entrusted me with their lives too. I am so grateful that they love me this way. I am so grateful to the Lord that he has allowed us to be close and that they are family to me as well. I find it so interesting that I was physically born into a rough family with an older brother who always loved and wanted me but never got to see me, even to this day. I love you Jason, but God gave me a stand in. He loves me the same way and has the same gentle, loving, and funny heart. God knew I needed Chaddy to be that example for my life even with the pranks and teasing, it gave me though skin when necessary. Thank you Chaddy, I love you! You ask now about the other person. Well she is his amazing wife. There was a time when I was younger that her and I weren’t as close but we are now and that is all that matters. She has been such an example and inspiration to me. She has shown me how to be a better friend, wife (someday), mother (someday), and Godly woman. She allows her husband to be who God created him to be and yet lets him know so gently when she feels it is necessary. Sarah, I love you so much, thank you for being who Jesus wants you to be. Thank you for being such an example, and thank you for loving me. You are truly one of my best friends. Thank you for trusting me with your girls, and loving me through hard times, for your wisdom on things and your meekness. Thank you and I love you both with all my heart. Thank you Jesus for you infinite wisdom in giving them to me and knowing what I needed in my life. Please bless them for blessing me.