The Proposal

There is someone who sticks closer than a brother. He loves you, he created you, He wants an amazing relationship with you. He wants sweet communion with you. I was amazed at the reality of communion I discovered recently. In Jewish culture communion is done as a proposal as well as being cleansed. When a man wanted to be betrothed to a woman he would offer her food and wine if she accepted his proposal then she would take the wine and drink it, if not then she would give it back to him. If she accepted the wine and drank than He would go to his fathers house add on a living place for them and then once that was done, come back for his Bride. I love that the things Jesus did in the bible were so much apart of the culture and now can also take on new meaning to us. I have always heard that we are the Bride of Christ and that we are waiting for his return. I have always heard that forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, he told his that he was going to prepare a place for us. It made sense but just like we, the church, are His bride and as we take communion, we accept his proposal. As we do that he prepares a place for us. I believe that the words of Jesus fulfill it all. “I go to prepare a place for you…that where I am, you may be also.” That is why he left, to prepare a place for his bride. Jus as young Jewish men do that even today Jesus is still doing it for us. I love when we can unlock a bit of the mysteries of Jesus. It makes this journey so fulfilling. I love when there is a tangible reason for things. Thank you Jesus for this amazing journey that we get to experience. I love you for it all.