This is so cool! I love that this is the image that we get when we pray. I know that for me pictures always help me understand alittle more about what I already know to be true. I am very visual and I am totally hands on when it comes to learning. I think that is why I love putting pictures on here so much. I enjoy praying with others and for them as well. This is just such an image of things unseen. Thank you Lord that we don't always see the things in the spirit. Although this would be cool to see. Sometimes I think that seeing those things though might scare me and I don't think I would sleep if I saw those things. The other night I was driving home from my friends house and I was worshiping in the car, radio blasting, and then I had a thought. Lord, I am sitting here imagining holding your hand and just loving on you. How cool would it be to see just your eyes as if you were just sitting there in the car next to me. Then I realized what I was asking and I honestly think that had I not scared myself it would have been cool. But then I got all nervous and said, Lord I love you, but nevermind I think I might get scared. I love Jesus with all of me but I think that would have just scared me. I can't wait though until that day. Like I said I sometimes wish I could see what was happening and then most of the time I am glad I can't see it. I think it there is a reason I can't and just like other things I need to just not question, God knows better. This I believe for me is one of those things. I can see it enough in the manifestations of people, I don't need to see the dark forces behind it. Thank you Jesus for that and Thank you Jesus for your protection and you hand in our lives. Thank you that you show up when two or more are gathered in your name. Thank you that you love us that much! I love you Lord with all of me.