Your BEST!!!!!!!!!
It has really been on my heart lately that I need to make sure that I am giving my all to everything and that I am bringing out the best in others. There are so many things that require our attention and we have so many things always pulling and tugging at us. I want to make sure that in all the hats that I wear, friend, sister, daughter, worship leader, employee, daughter of the King, that I always am bringing out the best in others. I want to see the things that God calls precious in everyone and bring them out in all that I meet. I know that sometimes we are blinded by what we think we see in others. I also know that hurt, pain, rejection, lies, fear, and our selfishness can get in the way of letting us see the best in others. I know that fear is a big one and maybe it should be first because I am a firm believer that fear is what drives most of the other reactions, the fear of being less than someone else, the fear of being rejected, the fear of being inferior, and I believe it is one of Satan's greatest tools because jealousy is derived from fear. We also let fear hold us back, maybe from the unknown and maybe from the future because we can't see it. Well We need to believe in the one who knows that future and let that fear go. I believe that fear is what holds us back from seeing in others the potential and for bringing it out in them. I heard it said once that as long as I am living up to the best of me I can be, I want to bring out the best in others even if they excel past me. I want to know that I have lived up to my potential and allow others to as well. I want to hear that I have been a good and faithful servant now enter into my rest on that precious day when I get to see my King. I know that I have not always been the poster child of this way of thinking. I too, have been one to try and stand in the way of others, to desire God to do in me, what only others can do. Well through it all I learned that I want to live up to all God has for ME! No one can do my job better than me, I need to not want others positions and hopefully they will not want mine. We are all unique and God has a purpose for us. No matter how great or small it may be, we are all equal in HIS Kingdom. No matter what that looks like here on this sinful earth. I know that I want to totally be available to God for whatever his work is for me to do. I know an amazing woman who found God and then was released out of prison. She began to go to church was faithful to God and served him NO MATTER WHAT. She was out and yet awaiting trial, as the day of the trial approached all of our church was praying God would release her of this consequence and allow her to be free. Well God had other plans in mind. God wanted to reach some women that this amazing woman would come in contact with. Now lets look at this situation for a second. My friend got sentenced to 9 years in prison. She could have given up on God altogether and she could have thrown in the towel because she didn't get her way. Well this amazing woman didn't and I am so glad she didn't because I believe that no one else in the world could do for these woman what she has done. She has been sharing the love of the Lord to the women in this facility and our church has partnered up with the correctional facility and allowed us the privilege to correspond with these women. Our church now has a women's prison ministry, so that we can touch the lives of these women in prison who may never know freedom. I believe that God wanted to touch the hearts and lives of these women and no one could do it the way my friend has, No one. God has given her an amazing story and I can't wait until she gets out next spring. I can't wait to hear all that God has done in and through her. Thank you Jesus for making her a beacon of light in a dark, dark place. Lord no one else could do that for your kingdom but her. Thank you that she was willing to serve you any way she could. That to me is bringing out the best in someone, and I want to do that in others. I don't want to do time in prison, but hey one of the greatest apostle's of our history did, he was an ambassador in chains. Thank you Jesus for the example of Paul. I know that this may seem weird to you that God would use someone in Prison, but who better to share the Lord with Prisoners than someone who is right there with them. She can share with them on their level. She can let them know that just because they are prisoners here in this life, they don't have to be in the next one. They can be free, just because we don't live in a prison doesn't mean that we are FREE! I want to bring out freedom in others, I want to bring out love in others, and I want to bring out the potential of the best in others. Jesus help me to bring out the best in others, and allow you to bring out MY BEST!!!! Help me to see the potential in others like you see it in me. Please help me to encourage others to be the best and to do the things you would only have me do. Please let me know that no matter what, you love me enough to continually change me. Thank you Jesus!!!!