Practice of Pain

These days I am in a new position that I have not ever been in. God has me in this place I am sure for so many different reasons and yet I catch myself at times just trying to pass the time, instead of REALLY listening to God and learning what I need to for the season I am entering. I am sitting in a VERY quiet, sleeping house trying NOT to be alone, when I know that God wants me to be SOLEY reliant on Him. He has stripped me of close friendships that have distracted me, and he has has me up late at night like usual to be the ONLY one who has my full attention. This may seem like I am complaining, but in reality I am just stating facts about my current situation. I am honored to be in this place that He is truly jealous for me and yet believe me, I wouldn't wish the pain I have had to walk through these past months on anyone, unless it was for your good. I believe that God hasn't allowed any of this to happen in vein. I will share a bit of my heart that I can see be brought forth in this and for that I am grateful. In these past  months, I have had my character questioned in a way that I didn't think was possible, I have been accused of things that weren't true, I have lost friends in a way that I didn't think possible, I have been told more than once that me returning to Tonga isn't really what God may have for me, and I have endured a lot of heartbreak watching others hurt for me. I find it crazy that for me I am strong enough to be able to deal with pain that has surrounded me. I am not telling you all of these things so that you feel bad for me, I am honored and truly grateful for all God has done because of my pain. Not just in, through, or in-spite of me, but for others as-well. Most of you reading this are unaware of what I am eluding to and I apologize but I won't ever tell. It isn't in the best interest of Godliness. I don't even want you guessing because that is in the way of a gossip and I refuse to give way to that.

God is stretching me in ways that I didn't know He could, which is why He is God and I AM NOT!!! But really in this I want to focus on our response to pain. How do you respond when God requires pain from you? Don't jump ahead of yourself and think I am saying God inflicts pain, I didn't say that, I said requires it. Because of sin and what the penalty for it requires, pain is apart of that. We were required to sacrifice different offerings according to our sin, until Jesus came and paid that price. We know that Jesus paid the price and pain was required of Him. Have you ever seen a woman glow more than right after she gives birth to a beautiful baby? I will tell you right now, having watched some of my sisters labor, I will tell you that my sweet niece didn't come into this world without my sister first enduring the pain. Have you ever seen a woman who was abused all her childhood, get freed from the bondage of sin and how amazing she looks as God works on her tender heart? There is something beautiful that comes out of pain. Something that can ONLY come from pain. And yet there is a flip side to this as well. Have you ever seen someone so hurt by life, that they despise anyone and everyone? Have you seen the affects of hurt turn to bitterness, anger and even rage? People who carry those hurts with them just look miserable. I want to encourage you that God doesn't like to see us in pain but His ultimate concern isn't about our comfort, it is about our heart. He wants to make sure that we are ready not only for Heaven, which we will be, but for the things He has for us to do here. I will tell you I HATE pain, for so long, I tried to run from it, yet it found me. I don't like it, but there is comfort in knowing that even though it is rough God sees it differently. God sees pain as a means to His ultimate goal. He would rather us endure pain here on earth and be ready for Heaven, then to not experience Godly pain here and be in pain for eternity. Unfortunately, we live in a broken world and with that comes pain. I look forward to the day that there will be no more pain. But until that day, I will gladly endure for the sake of the Kingdom. I pray that you see how much more beautiful it is when we allow pain to run its awful but beautiful course in our lives. Hopefully you will choose to let it make you better, and more beautiful than to let it make you bitter. God has plans for you to accomplish dear one, so let us rise together and accept the challenge. Remember that His goal is for us to be Heaven-Ready!!! (John 16:22,23)


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