A NEW Thing

I love when God requires obedience from me. Even at 6 am on a Saturday. I know that God always stays up and that it doesn't matter what time it is for us He is outside of that. I know that God has plans for us outside of our time frame. Last Saturday morning, while I was at our Churches Women's Retreat, I got up around 6am to use the restroom. Which I hate doing in the first place when I am sleeping. As I laid back down God in His loving, and gentle way urged me to get up and get into the shower. He said that He wanted to tell me something.I started to have a headache and so I hesitantly at first, Then obediently got out of my bed and returned to the bathroom. As I walked I prayed God would take away my headache or atleast lessen it as I was obedient to get into the shower. Well, Faithful that He is, God met me. It wasn't like this huge revelation but I knew that if I was obedient then He would match that with Faithfulness. It felt like He had wanted to share this with me all night and couldn't wait until I would be obedient to him and listen to just say it as fast as he could. He said, "Today is a new beginning, I am doing a new thing, behold I am doing a new thing. See now that it even springs up." I love it when He speaks and it lines up with His word that has been on my mind anyways. It just reminds me that no matter what he says the Bible will always reassure me that God speaks to me. Yesterday, I was a little doubtful in that but there He is today faithful to meet me and show me once again that I do hear him. The verse that He showed me is, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Not it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the waste land." Isaiah 43:18&19 I love that even though I know that days pass and emotions change and yet there He is Faithful as the morning. Thank you Lord that everyday you show us your faithfulness and don't require us to live on the blessings of yesterday! I love you Jesus!


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