I have to say that lately I have felt forgotten. Others lives are changing in very drastic ways and mine isn't at all. I know that in reality that probably isn't the case but I seem to feel that way. I am not sure why, I am not one who wants all that glory or the spotlight. Believe me that isn't how I want to be at all. I would just like to be remembered everyonce in a while. I don't want the pressure of this life that I live to be all about me, it isn't and I am totally happy giving God all the glory it is just that I sometimes would like to be remembered. In my family it happens alot and I know part of it is just because I am not a fighter like most everyone else. I CHOOSE peace, peace with God, peace with others and peace with myself. I am sure that has soemthing to do with it. I see others close to me fighting to be KNOWN and for others to pay attention to them. I am not sure why but I am grateful that I don't have that need, but I know that in my case then I get forgotten. I know that it even says in the bible that with family you may not always fit in or be accepted, and I guess that is apart of being forgotten. Sometimes I just feel like the Lord forgets me too. I know that ISN'T true at all and that I probably all too often forget him, but I do feel like that and I am not sure how to change that. I know I can't change the way others see me, especially when some of the people around me don't seem to want me to be any different. But I can work hard and be faithful and let others maybe not so close see who God sees, well atleast that is my hope. Then I have others who help me flourish in who God created me to originally be. I know that there are some who think the best way for me to let them see me change is to LEAVE, that isn't my heart and I am ok with that because no one but God needs to be my protector or my defender. I know that God will eventually open their eyes. I pray for them very often. The only reason I want them to see me differently is so that they get a bigger picture of truly who God is and how "He works ALL things together for the GOOD of those who love him and are called according to HIS purposes." Rom.8:28 I know that it isn't something I can change but I just hate that when it comes to birthday's, Christmas, and other things, I get forgotten. I thank the Lord that even when I feel forgotten, I can look in the word and KNOW that He loves me and I am the apple of His eye. Thank you Lord for that promise. Thank you Lord that I don't have only my feelings to live by, I am so grateful that there are other more foundational things I can go off of. I love that you have made things like feelings work with everything else. I appreciate that so much. I am not sharing this so that you will think of me, I am sharing this because there might be someone or people in your life that might feel forgotten by you. They aren't loud and fighting all the time for things, please do me a favor, remember them today. And if you are one of those like me that feel forgotten, remember there is someone who sticks closer than a brother, and I remember you and honor you today with this. Please acknowledge someone who usually goes forgotten by you today. It will honor them, and most importantly, it will honor God. Isn't that the whole reason for living is the first place?