
I've got the sweet victory in Jesus! Today it is raining and I am here thinking about all the things that I am facing in the next few days. I know that God is moving and I know that God is bigger than the storm I am facing today. He says to me to keep my eyes on Him and allow the waves to crash around me and to remain faithful in all he asks of me. Thank you Jesus that you choose to even talk to me. Thank you that you are moving and shaking things today. There is something different about today and I know that His mighty power is going to change things for me so that I don't have to worry about anything but Loving my King. I just need to keep focused on the fact that I am here and I am walking to my victory. We are victorious as we walk through these things in our lives that show us who we really are. I just want to come out as pure Gold! I want God to see that I will be faithful to the end. I Thank you Lord that I am able to stand here today and look back and see that you have brought us through so much to get us to this point and move us on. Thank you that You desire to show us how amazing you are and all we have to do is let others know how these things in our lives have come. BY YOU and YOU alone! Thank you for the amazing testimony that we will all get to share with others so that you can bring them into the fold. Thank you Jesus that you came to this earth as a baby to save us all from Hell. Thank you that in this Christmas season you are still moving and shaking up this earth. Thank you that we can learn how to humbly move in this world because we have the BEST example of that. Thank you that no matter way YOU are making things work out for our good. Thank you that no matter what we see, we listen to what your heart speaks to us. Thank you for the ability to know your heart for me. Thank you that you are giving me insight to things so that I can better pray for others. THank you Lord that you choose to love us so that we can love you right back. Thank you for your faithfulness, many blessings, friends, family, and material things. Thank you that the only way to see your heart sometimes is to seek it out in others. Thank you that ONLY YOU complete us fully. I love you Father for your many blessings. Thank you for loving me enough to give me what you have and desire to pour out more. Thank you Jesus that TODAY you have opened the flood gates of Heaven and began to change things in all of our lives.
Isaiah 43.19
Have a blessed Christmas and New Year.