
Its Christmas Eve and I am so excited to see what these next few hours bring. I know that God is calling me to do some warfare for friends at this time and I am just so honored to be able to do that. I love it when God uses me. I love that I can help others get closer to God just by praying for them and I love that He hears me and knows my voice. Thank you Father for knowing my voice. Thank you that you hear my prayers. Whether it be for a friend or not I am honored that you hear me and see my heart in it all. As the house settles down from a wonderful time of fellowship and fun, Everyone settles in for the night and I pull out my computer so that I can allow myself the time in the stillness to hear Gods heart for you today. There are so many things that can get in the way of what God wants to do in your life today. God wants communion with you, and he desires for you to include him in all the things that you do. I wonder that if you were as aware of God as He is of you if you would do certain things, I know that I wouldn't and I also wouldn't treat others the way that my flesh often desires to do. I fall short all the time and I always fail but I know that when I need to be on my knees, I try to listen. I try and obey God in that as much as possible. I thank God that He desires to listen to us and answer our prayers. I know that in life I have learned that not everything I pray for will be done MY way, but it will be done better because its Gods way! I love that my precious Heavenly Father allows me to share with him my heart, whether it be frustrations, joys, pain, anger, or passion. I am able to experience all of those things with HIM!!! I am so blessed that I cam not only called to prayer, and warfare but I remain HIS child. Which means that when I am in Warfare HE is looking out for me, He is protecting me, and HE is ultimately going to fight for me when I get weak and can't fight on my own. Even as I sit here the battles that I am engaged in come to mind. I have to allow them to take over so I can fight yet I have to remember and remind everything around me that the WAR is already won. That this fight is already finished and that God has written this story from the end to the beginning. War is something that is not easy and isn't always fun! But it is what we are called to do in every aspect of our lives. We are called to fight on the behalf of others and ourselves, for circumstances, and to stand up to the enemy and take back the ground that he has claimed. I know that there are moments of weakness in my fighting and I want to take back that ground. Its hard when you are so tired and just want to sleep. Lately I have been asked to stay up until the wee hours of the morning praying for things, and yet as those things get closer to the finish line, the fight gets that much harder. I know that if I want ALL God has for me then I need to engage in the battle and not allow my flesh to rule what I know needs to happen. I want to point out that this strength that you see isn't from me, It is from Christ alone. I know that it could look as if I am this strong person who desires to fight and even if I am tired I continue. Yes there are moments of that amount of self-control and strength but that isn't always the case. I am weak and the only amount of strength that I put forth is from Christ alone. I have to allow him to the room to give me that so that I can accomplish all that I need to in prayer. Prayer is a big thing and I know that most people think that prayer is just something to do as a last resort but really why is it the last thing people think about? How come it isn't the first thing you do when there is a situation that requires more than just the wisdom and knowledge you have. Whether it be good or bad why is it that we don't think to bring you the situation first Lord! Well I think that needs to change. I know for me I am going to make that my New Years resolution, Make prayer first on the list rather than second or even a last resort. Thank you Lord that this next year I will be able to work on giving you my first fruits in EVERY part of my life. I desire to be able to show you more and more how much you mean to me. I honestly think that we need to remember that prayer was Jesus' first priority when he was here on earth and if we are to live my his example maybe that should be ours as well. Prayer is where the battlefield lies and I desire to stand my ground and conquer more so meet me there. I will be waiting to stand side by side with you and take back what Satan has stolen and is rightfully ours!!! Thank you Father for Warfare!