Singing over you!

I love when God stretches my faith and allows me to see all that he is taking out of me so that new stuff can be put in. I love that God is showing me that things in this life should only be trivial compared to the Glory of who He is. I love that no matter what my best interest is all he has in mind, Even if my best interest isn't what I want. These past few days God has really been stretching me to see my reactions and to see how things will happen. I know that no matter the outcome he desires for me to change and be more like him. I love it and I can't wait to see the results of this trial. Yes in the mean time it is hard to walk through and there are moments that I feel like I can't go on, or that I just want it to be over, yet in that I remember to enjoy the process. I always want to take the bad with the good and not just be thankful for the easy stuff in my life. I want to be just as grateful for the tough stuff because that is what makes you stronger and changes you. I am not saying that I want to always walk through the hardships but I am saying that whether good or bad I want my outlook, my response and my hearts cry to all be the same thing. Thank you Jesus for all you have done. Thank you for the trial so that the victory is that much more sweet, thank you for the heartbreak because only you can truly love me the way that I need to be loved. In all these things, good or bad God looks at your heart and to see if you are going to react or respond to him. I am not perfect but I do want my response to always be grateful and loving to the Lover of my soul. He is the only man that can love me the way that I need to be loved at any moment throughout my day. He is the only man that can know my thoughts and answer me before I even get the words out. He is the only man that I can feel his heart beat in time with mine everyday. He loves me this way and in that allows me to walk through hard ships, yet never makes me walk them alone. He is always before me, behind me, and on either side of me, making sure that only the things that touch me pass through his hands first. Thank you Jesus for your protection. I know that no matter what God has a plan in this trial I am walking through, God doesn't say those things about me like others are, and He is working behind the scenes to make sure everything is ready all at once. Thank you for the blessings you are getting ready to pour down. Thank you for opening the flood gates of heaven. Thank you so much for all that you have for me. Thank you for speaking to me today in your still small voice that silences all other voices. Thank you that you did call me to walk on water. See today I was in my car driving on the freeway and I began to pray about the situation at hand and all that it entails. As I did I remembered that back in the summer of this year God called me to step out of the boat and walk on water to him. Well on 8-8-08 I did that and began my journey to where I am today. I was talking with my Savior and told him that I had stepped out of the boat and that I needed his help, He told me to not look at the circumstances around me but to look at him. Not to look at the waves that seem so big and want to crash around me, I need to look at Jesus. I want to listen to what God is telling me to do and Listen to the voice of Truth. I am not sure if you have ever heard that song and if not you need to, it is by Casting Crowns but it talks about listening to Gods voice rather than the lies of the enemy. But the best part of that song is the bridge, "the stone was just the right size to knock the giant on the ground, the waves they don't seem so high from the top of them looking down, I will soar on the wings of eagles, when I stop and listen to the sounds of Jesus singing over me. The voice of truth tells me a different story, when the voice of trust says do not be afraid. And the voice of truth says this is for MY GLORY out of all the voices calling out to me, I will chose to listen and believe the voice of truth." WOW! What powerful words. First, talking about David killing Goliath, then Peter walking on water, then in Isaiah where is says that we will soar on the wings of eagles, and last when it talks about how Jesus sings over us with LOVE!!! Wow, what an amazing thing. Jesus sings over us with love. Thank you Jesus! I love that you love me that much Lord that you even sing over me with your love. Thank you for that. Thank you for your grace and your mercy. So remember that when the waves seem so high that they are going to take you down with them, Jesus is singing over you with love. Allow His love to fill your heart, mind and day with his voice of Truth. Believe it! I choose to, and so should you!