Give of yourself

This past weekend I got to spend some time with a really good friend of mine. She is an amazing person and I know that when it comes to age she is younger yet when it comes to maturity in the Lord she is right there with me. I love it!!! I am learning from her in ways that only come from God! It is amazing. I am just so blessed by her every time she opens her mouth and I get to spend time with her. I know that if you knew her like I do you would feel the same way. I know that God has placed us together for such a time as this. I know that she is going to be in my life for the rest of it! I love her heart in everything she experiences. I love that the Lord speaks to her in ways that are so clear and so amazing. I love her Faith in Christ and how she sees him. I got to know her better by being able to spend this time with her and I can't wait to see God fulfill the promises to her he has made. I know that she is growing and maturing in new ways everyday and I love being able to be confident in her to share with her things that I am walking through and living out as well. I love that God has made her such a speaker of who He is and I love that she blesses others and that is in her heart. I know that there are so many thing that God has put in her heart to be able to bless others and I love that she knows there is a time and place for that. I say all these things to you to remind you that no matter what age you are, God wants to use you. I know that it may seem weird if you are young and it may seem hard if you are older but God honestly wants to us you in every way possible. He has others for you to bless. He has people who need your youthfulness to keep them young, he has young people who need your Godly wisdom of years. There are some many around you that need you. Please don't hesitate because you think God can't use you. It says in the bible that if you don't cry out the rocks will cryout in your place. I sure don't want a rock taking my place and I want to do all that God has for me to do. It says that for Baalam to do what God wanted him to do, his donkey had to speak to him. WOW!!! That would have made me feel really stupid. I would way rather do what God wants me to do in my own choice than to have an animal or a rock do it in my place. So if you see others who need you whether young or old, take them in and understand that God uses all things to help us know him better and be more like him. Each of us has a different part of the Father that others may not have but totally want, so give of yourself today to others, just like my friend does with me, and I with her. God wants to bless you through others, its another way for him to love on you. Thank you Jesus for your love and for your faithfulness. Thank you for allowing us to love others and for them to love us so that we can have a glimpse of you in our physical world. Thank you!!!!