
So tonight I went to the beach with a friend and God spoke and met us there in a new way. Her and I have been praying for God to move in a new way and for us he is. We have been praying that he would reveal to us things and that he would confirm them to us and to others. Thank you Lord that you hear our prayers. Thank you Lord that you desire to give us insight to things you are doing and are about to do. Thank you that you love us that much! So we were sitting there talking and reading each other scriptures that God was revealing to us and he then spoke very clearly. He said to her, "Just as the wind is blowing in your direction so I am blowing those things to you and just as the waves are crashing one right after the other that is how these things are coming." YAY!!! Thank you Father God for speaking those things to us. Thank you so much for allowing us to hear you and for us to be able to stand in that when everything else around us seems to want to say no. I say this with excitement and a bit of caution because when God begins to move in your life you need to be ready for the Good, the bad, and the UGLY!!! I mean that warfare thing I have mentioned before. I say this because with this amazing revelation I must start with what happened last night, We were again at the beach after an amazing service and we were praying and God told us to write out the vision. So we did just that for this next year and how we wanted to end this year. On our way home, as I was turning into her neighborhood, I got this strange feeling of being covered and that I now had been given a new mantel and covering. It felt like a blanket was put over my soul. I turned to my friend and told her what I had just felt and she said she felt it too. WOW! Father you are amazing to allow us to share in that moment the same experience. Well that was amazing but then I went home and prayed as usual and fell asleep. In that time of sleep I was disturbingly woken up because I couldn't breath. Now I have asthma and so because of that I know this feeling well. I woke up in sheer panic because not breathing is a shock to your body. So in that I was awaken and tried to catch my breath and breathe again so that I could sleep again. In that moment of panic, I did all I could to praise the Lord. I knew it was an attempt to get me to back down from what I know is true and although I know who I am in Christ, I believe so does our enemy, the devil. I believe that he probably knows even more than I do at times who I am in Christ, I need to remember that. So even though I know that he CANNOT touch me without first going through Gods hands, I do know that I am at war with him and he will do all he can to bring me down. I know that I have to fight until my Sweet Savior calls me home. Thank you Father for your protection, and that you allow us to feel some of the warfare so that we continue to fight and desire you more. Thank you that you allow us to be so taken with who you are that all the rest of the stuff is just that, Stuff! Thank you that no matter what you are our covering and you protect us from the enemy. Thank you for covering us and allowing us to e covered even in the physical. Thank you for allowing us to feel you and always be reminded that you are ultimately in control. We love you and thank you for speaking these things to us. I love you with all that I am!!!