My JOSEPH Life Part 2
I have always felt a sense of being out of place and if you read my previous post that partly was because of the questions, I also believe that it was because I had to have questions for another part of my story to come true. I have to warn you that this isn't going to be in order because there are way too many aspects of my life that are all connected so I am going as I am directed...
As these questions progressed in my ears, I grew more curious. I knew that I needed to begin to seek out my family even if I ended up with a dead end, or problems. See in my mind when I was younger I wanted to wait until I was married and not living in my parents house to find my family, just in case there was some problems, but God had other things in store. When I was in the summer before me entering my Esthetics class, I had this very STRONG desire to seek my family out. I had heard one time that when you make BIG choices in your life you should take a week before making a BIG purchase or making a BIG decision. So with that in mind that is what I did, I prayed for it for 7 days and then about 2 hours after the 7 days was up I applied online. I only went to the free registering websites and put in all the information that I had, but I didn't expect ANYTHING. Within 4 hours I had an email giving me information on my birthmother. I went to my parents and made sure that they were ok with things before I contacted her. The conversation answered alot of my questions but there was SO much more to see and walk through. Over the next few days I got to talk to my family and eventually I met my aunts and some of my cousins and then I got to meet my birth mom. Then, a few months later my birth father wrote me a letter to let me know that he was aware that I was looking for everyone and I was in the middle or writing him back. I got a phone call and it was him. We talked for almost two hours, the next day I went to meet my sister who lives here in Long Beach. It was the most AMAZING thing to see someone who looked like me in ways and laughed like me. That was the beginning of all the relationships it has been an amazing journey so far and I love that we have the rest of our lives together. It has helped me understand myself more and silenced those penetrating questions. I love that we have relationships with each other and that God is using this as a way to complete me. I am so blessed to be able to see his saving grace in my life.
The reason that I call this My Joseph story is because God literally picked my up out of the situation I was born into and placed me in a different one. God has shown me over and over that I would have been forgotten by the world and so He placed me into a loving family that blesses me each and every day. I have an older brother and an older sister that God removed me from and gave me Chad and Tiff. My brother and sister are pretty much the same ages as they are, and personalities are very similar. I love how God writes our stories. I have a younger brother who actually just called me last night and told me that he proposed to his girlfriend last night and is getting married. I can't tell you how amazing it is to have this family be APART of my life now. I know that God did it in His own time and in His own way but this is apart of the story that He is writing for me. The best thing I could cling to growing up was a sense that there were 4 people who loved me, 2 who gave me up and 2 to bring me in and love me like their own. I am grateful everyday that this is My God-given story. There are so many more things I want to share with you but I will save those for a later date. I will leave you with some pictures of my family.
