Share the Burden
Life doesn't always bring easy things to us, infact most of the time it doesn't, yet we are to enjoy life?!? How can we do this with a good attitude and still keeping our Faith intact? How can we carry the weight of not only OUR burdens but the burdens of others and still remain faithful to God? Sound like a burning question on your heart today? I am someone who, like I've said before, wants to fix things and help others but not always is that my job. Most of the time it isn't actually to do that, MY "JOB" is to take it to the Lord! But I do believe that there are other times when God has surrounded us with people who love and care for us enough that are to actively participate in helping us. And vice versa, when it comes to certain things. For example, why do we have funerals? Yes, to celebrate a life but really, we go for the living and not the dead. Why do we go to weddings and sometimes participate in them? Same reason, to show our love and support. Now these two events are definitely bigger than other circumstances but they aren't less important. Like when your friends husband is in the hospital due to a virus, or when someone just needs you to be honest with them about something. See these are the times when our genuine concern for others is played out. When you make a phone call to someone just to make sure they are alright. Or when you love on the people at bible study and church because they are the family God has established for you. I guess really all this is coming from the same place in my heart. I want to be a person who doesn't just want to fix the problem, or rescue someone out of their situation, but I want to carry the burden with others, Not just fix it! I'm learning more and more that fixing is Gods job, I'm just the vessle that he chooses to use at times to be his extended hand. How blessed are we? That is an amazing gift we are given, God allows us to be HIS HAND?!? Wow! What a privilege! I want to make sure that I carry that responsibility better than I am sure I have in the past. I want to help carry other peoples burdens. I must say that ifyou have laid down your burden at the foot of the cross, helping someone else carry theirs will make you realize what a blessing it is to share in one another's burdens. Paul says in Galatians 6:2 "Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." Don't just be someone who carrys another's burdens, but let others be blessed by allowing them to share yours at times aswell. Let them be apart of the blessing in your life. Lord, please show us how to do this in a way that is honoring and pleasing to you.