
Tough times are apart of us all. Whether we are young and fighting with a friend about a toy or we are older and fighting with the mirror about how we look. I know that things in this day and age are so different than even what our parents had to grow up with and endure at our age. I was talking with a friend the other night about how different our culture is even just from our parents and how much more sex and filth we are bombarded with daily. If it isn't a sleezy billboard, magazine or commercial, its in the clothing stores and on T.V. I am so tired of having to try and compare and compete with those images that guys so easily compare us to. It makes it hard to ever feel beautiful or pretty about yourself ever when the image of beauty portrait is not what I look like or any regular girl in school. I know that alot of my friends struggle with this more than I do but it never makes it easier. I have always believed that God made me exactly this way for a reason and so I need to be proud of who I am. If someone doesn't like me because of that then that isn't my fault. Well that attitude and mentality has been my saving grace in this time I live in. Although to some that may seem very harsh or rude, I think of it as the way God desires us to feel. I could be totally wrong about this but isn't it better for us to care about what God thinks than man. Now I am not saying it is wrong to want to feel or look pretty. I do the same thing, I mean that is the industry of my trade. But what I am saying is that I believe that what God sees in my heart is WAY more important to me than if my hair is in a pony tail or not. My friends don't always like that I don't care as much about how I look going certain places but I know that for me I would rather have God call me faithful than someone to tell me I look cute. I desire for others to venture out and see that we could be the most beautiful of a person on the outside but if the inside is a mess what good does that do anyone? I believe that in this time of vanity and selfishness, we need to step out of the box. We need to be more concerned with how to serve others and how to show them the life source, than how we look and feel about ourselves. I have learned in my short time on this earth that as I pour out myself to others and as I give more of who I am, God has more room to give me himself. WOW! That is what I really want. I want more of Him! I want Him to be all that I NEED. Although that is how I feel even now, I want it to be my every breathe. I want him to experience that with me I want Christ to be what I exhale on others. I want to serve and love others so intensely that all they feel and see from me is Him. I don't need the credit, nor do I want or deserve it. I just want Christ in me to be all that anyone sees. I have probably said this so many times and I will continue to say it, I want to always be invisible to others so that Christ is what is seen. I want Him to be ALL they see. This life is not about me, thank goodness! It is ALL about Christ and how he wants to save this lost and dying world. I know that he has BIG plans for my life and I am so excited to serve Him in BIG ways, I just always want to make sure that I remember that I am not the reason for anything good that happens to me, its all HIM!!! Thank you Jesus that you have given me purpose, and that purpose is to show you to others.