To speak or not?

There are things that happen in life that you can't control and then there are things that happen that you can control. So how do you know when to step in and when to let go? How do you tell your friend that they aren't acting right and when do you leave that up to God? When do you step in to help a friend that is on a downward spiral and when do you let God be their savior and realize you are not? The only answer that I have for that is seek God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and let him lead and guide you! Allow him to show you when to speak and when to remain silent, when to point out things to them and when to refrain. I believe that when you are more attentive to what God wants to do or say to someone, healing can come from that. I know that for me, I have been in situations when I have wanted to share something and yet felt that tug on my heart to remain silent. I can honestly say that I haven't always taken my own advice and remained silent, but when I knew that I should and allowed God to do what he needed to, things have changed and taken a turn for the better. I also know that when I don't listen and speak out of turn there is an element of Grace that God gives, but I would rather be obedient than to always have to wait for that grace when I could have avoided it in the first place. I believe that book of Ecclesiaties says it well when King Solomon says that there is a place and time for everything under the sun. I just know that I want to help situations and not hinder them. I don't ever want to get in the way of what God is doing, even though I am sure that I have, I choose to listen. I want to be known in my life as someone who speaks at the right times and who remains silent until that time comes. Even the past few weeks in my life this has been a learning process. There has been alot of things that have come to my attention or been shown to me and I need to remember to remain silent when appropriate. I have always prayed that none of my words would ever fall to the ground, and knowing that is my heart, I have to also remember to only speak when it is time about certain things. My dad told me a long time ago something I believe Mother Theresa said: "I have often regretted something I said, but never once have I regretted not saying something." I am understanding this more and more. I am not someone who lives with regrets. I decided along time ago that what ever things happen in my life I wouldn't live with regret. I would allow the circumstances to make me better, and to not be a victim but be a warrior. So even though I have done some STU-PID things in my life, I don't live with any regret. I wouldn't be who I am today with out ALL of my past. But that is where it remains, in my past. I don't hold onto it, I don't relive it, and I am not proud of it. I don't want my past in my future, I refuse to allow that to hold me back and I refuse to allow it to taint my future. The past is exactly where it needs to be, IN THE PAST! I choose to listen to the one who holds my future. I know that no matter what I have done those memories remain, but I also know that they remain to remind me of who I used to be and who I am NOT anymore. Thank you Jesus that you spoke to me when I was ready to listen. Please allow me to do the same for my friends and family. Allow me to speak when needed and remain silent when it is time for you Lord to speak. Lord, you have the ability to change hearts, I don't, so please do in me and others what my words can't. I love you so much and I thank you for the ability to be apart of changing lives and that you are so gentle when you do. Thank you for changing me and allowing me the privilege to see it happen in others. I love you Lord!!! Thank you for Words!