Isaiah 25:1

"O LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago." Isaiah 25:1
How cool is that, that God has things planned so long ago and yet in all the time that passes from planning to now, he remains faithful to you. I love how amazingly faithful God is to us every day. Today I was reminded of that as I was in worship. God showed up, I mean in a new way. It was a really amazing thing to see that since I haven't seen my church walk in that ever. See I believe in the gifts and moving of the Holy Spirit accurately and appropriately. Due to some past hurts and pains that my dad has experienced he is a bit more stand offish about that. I am all about it and desire for us all to move in the gifts but I do realize that there is a maturity that has to be there as well. See about 14 years ago something that was I believe meant to encourage believers came to our church and hurt a lot of people. Than 3 years later that movement almost destroyed my family. It nearly did for a while. Yet God remained faithful. He had a plan for what he really wanted to do. That movement nearly took my walk with God and killed it. I mean I loved Jesus still but I didn't want to live and show others that, I was very selfish. But in God's Faithfulness he rescued me from all that I was doing and gave me a new place to stand on. I was totally transformed, and it happened in the blink of an eye. Now that isn't always how God works and I know that sometimes things are a process to work out of you and others are instantly gone. Well my rebelliousness, hurt and right to remain a victim were all taken away in a moments time. The walking out the change was a lot harder than that quick moment. I am still trying to rid myself of things that I fight with even now. That is apart of this sinful nature that we war with everyday. I am just glad to be on the winning side. Even though it may not feel like you are winning, It says in my bible that we have overcome. We are MORE than Conquerers and that God WINS!!!! There is a plan for your life and I know that you want that to be walked out so you can do what you know you are to accomplish. Well in that remember God is working behind the scenes so that the marvelous things planned long ago can happen. Looking at this verse though you have to read it in its entirety, "O LORD, you are my God;" I point this out because none of the promises will happen in your life that you want if God isn't YOUR God! That is the first requirement. You have to give him the room that he wants first before you can start to change. I am sure I have said this before and I will say it again, God is a gentleman. He will not take what is not given to him. He doesn't take over things if you haven't given him permission. You have to give him ALL the keys to your heart before you can entirely change. I give Jesus the keys to my heart everyday so that He is on the throne of my heart and I AM NOT!!! So first give your heart and life to Christ fully, than the rest of the verse fits perfectly. "for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things, things planned long ago." Well that is pretty self explanatory when it comes to knowing Christ. He has a plan for your life and it was made in His perfect faithfulness. That verse also says to me, with the planning he will make sure everything that he wants to happen will. Because he who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it. So hang on to the promises and things that you know God has shown you and in that he will be faithful to allow it to happen. No matter how long it has been and how many obstacles along the way He is faithful. Just like God started something in me as a young child and even though it seemed hopeless to all around me. God has plans for me and those other things that were in the way, whether it was a distraction or anything else that blinds you, they are now removed so that God can move about freely and do all he needs to in me. Thank you Jesus for your Perfect Faithfulness. Thank you that you have marvelous things planned for us, and that you move as we exalt and praise you. I love you Jesus and thank you for all you are doing and moving even if we can't see it right now. Thank you!!!!