
This morning I was awaken to some amazing songs in worship, and I was just so blessed. Then I realized what time it was and that I needed to get up and be to work early. I know that things aren't always how they seem and there are devised intentions in others to either go after or protect. I know that there are things in life that aren't to be taken lightly yet others need to be taken with a grain of salt. I know that in life you can have a great moment, even during the wee hours in worship, and the next get ambushed. I know that our stuggle isn't against flesh and blood, but against the prince of palities and powers of this dark world. I know that and yet there are moments, not that I forget, but that I just need something physical to make responsible. I want to not be so concerned with the name that I have, as I am concerned as the name that I CARRY with me! I hope you understand the difference. I want to make sure that the name that I carry with me isn't tainted by my actions and choices. I want it to be evident to all and clear. I want others not to see me but to see the one who sent me. I want them to see as clearly as possible that I am here on His assignment. I know that my attitude, insecurities, emotions, actions, choices, behaviors, words, and beliefs can cloud that mirror really fast. These things can make the mirror inwhich others see Christ tainted and very distorted. I know that I don't always show Him in the right way, I want to show Him correctly everytime. I don't want to get in the way of what others need to see. To be His hands, feet, mouthpiece, and all that he desires is so amazing that I hope everyone gets to be that to someone else. I was in a conversation today with someone that I love dearly and I realized, that in the church we talk about being blessed by others yet to fight for another that means to let yourself be second. I know that this is a hard thing yet I think for some, God grows you and changes you as you learn to fight for others. I know that self sacrifice isn't easy and you have to be strong at heart to do that, but I also know that you will be less selfish when you learn to focus on others. That is the whole point of serving, isn't it? To place others before yourself and to make sure that you are ministering to others. Now please don't misunderstand that I totally believe that making sure that your relationship with God is on track and that he is your life source. You need to draw strength from the life giver and I know that you have to have time to know God's will, but Jesus came here for us. We should live by his example, He woke up early to go and pray, then He went out and served all day long. It even says that He got tired, yet He served and prayed so that he could pour out. I know that even in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus was praying, I believe he wasn't just praying for God to "take this cup from me, evenso not my will but yours be done." I think that he was praying so that his feeble flesh would do what He knew was required. I believe that this is our example, to take EVERYTHING to the Lord in prayer. It is the same concept as commanding your soul to praise God, well when you need a time of refreshing and a time of rest, you can have it. I am just saying that you also are here as a warrior, and believe me, that isn't for the faint of heart or the weak minded. To stay up all night praying beause you were asked to, to get out of your warm bed just to spend some time with God on anothers behalf, or to have an overwhelming sense of urgency when you are standing in line and are inclined to pray, that is self sacrifice. Sometimes I think that word pushes others away because they think they have to go to the deepest jungle somewhere and do God's work, Yes sometimes that is what is required, but not always do things, have to be so drastic. I believe that when you or I want to show Christ's love to others it doesn't always have to be in extreme measures. Sometimes those are required but alot of times it is just sacrificing your own bit of sleep and comfort or you being a bit uncomfortable to show God and others that they are more important than you. I just want to never miss an opportunity to obey God's will and to show others how to as well. Please remember though that each one of us are different and each have our own calling. I say this so that you don't think that when others have different experiences, or are blessed in different way that they are doing something better or not in comparison. We are not to compare ourselves eith others. Some are entrusted with much and some aren't but the ones that aren't doesn't make them less important to God. Actually I think in a way He gives them less so that they can take better care of it, than that of someone who has so many things to take care of it isn't always done with 100% of themselves. I am not saying that is truth but it is just an observation. Know that whatever YOU are entrusted with, YOU are responsible for and so take pride in that and knowing that you will do a better job, that is why it was given to you. Think about your friends and family, think about your relationships with them. Who has God entrusted you to be close to and be an impact on? Who has God given just to YOU, so that you can make an impact on their lives? Who has God blessed you with so that they can look at you and say that their lives have changed because of you? Don't try to be someone else, don't try to have what God has given to another, don't be unthankful for what God has entrusted to YOU. If you do, even what you have will be taken away. Thank God today for the people he has entrusted to YOU, and allow your life to start reflecting your grateful heart. Thank you Jesus for those you have given to me and help me to show you more than yesterday, and better tomorrow. I love you Jesus!


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