Letter from I AM!
Please allow me to share with you my heart for you, some may be hard to read but know that I have your best interest at heart and I love you, deeply. Thank you for allowing me to bare your burdens, Thank you for crying out to me from the depths of your soul. Know that I AM Holy and Just, as well as the Lover of your soul. I AM as consistent as the waves. I love you with an everlasting love, love that will not falter with the wind and will not die or grow cold. It will not fade with years gone by, change with the seasons, or lessen by your choices. I love you with all that I AM and I love you with all that I know you can be. There is so much more for you My Love, there is a depth that you could never imagine, I want to take you to. There are things in you that I know you want to change NOW but please allow me to do what I need, so that you can see things differently. I know that you are afraid to let go with all of you and just trust. I know that holding on to the past will never truly bring in your future. I know that as you are a new creation, the old has past and the new has come. You have to let go. I know it is easier to hold on to the past, because you see it and it is familiar. Rather than letting go and moving into the future that is unseen. I love you, I AM love, so how can I not. You are made in my image, you were made to have sweet, amazing communion with me. You were created just for me. Before you were thought of by your parents, I knew you. I created you in the depths, in the inmost parts. I know that I give you things so that you can learn to enjoy life, and that you can love me more, yet you seem to be mad about the things you don't have. Why am I not enough? I gave up my life for you and you say I am not enough. I love you anyway. No matter how far you run, I love you. I believe in you, no matter how many times you run and fall, I believe in YOU! I love you and I want you to know me more. I love you perfectly, and love drives out all fear and shame. If you allow yourself to know MY LOVE, not the love that the world has to offer but MY LOVE, I promise that your life will change. I know that is a scary place to be but I do have YOUR best interest at heart. I want the best for you, but my best for you isn't the same as yours. My heart, for who you are to become, may not look like what you want. Are you ok with that or will you continue to live in fear of others and yourself, rather than walk in faith and love me the best way you can? I want you to choose love, but I will not force you to love me. That is out of my nature, that isn't who I created you to be. I don't want forced love, that isn't LOVE.
"Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. Love never fails..." 1Cor13:4-8
"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." 1 John 4:18
These are MY words, I love you with a perfect love. Nothing can seperate you from that, not even YOU! Trust me and I will show you new things, things you never thought possible. I have strategically placed people in your life for you to learn from and for them to learn from you. But you have to allow me to do my work in you, or I will entrust them to someone else. They are my children too and I love them. I desire that NONE should perish, but ALL to come to repentance. Please don't look around you and see what you don't have, please know that you are the best person for YOUR job. They are the best for theirs. No one is misplaced and no one is better than anyone else. You need to step out in faith, with nothing holding you back and trust me. I will take you to heights never seen. I have a BIG, and perfect plan for you, but you have to let go. Let go of anyone or anything tying you to this world you seem to love. If you love the world you don't love me. Let go of all the things that keep your focus off of me. Cling to me with all you have, cling to those that point you in that direction. I will restore others, YOU are not their Savior, I AM, you need to allow me to be that. I will remove people from your life, some for a time and others for good. Please just trust that I have better things for you. Some of the people in your life that you think are lifers, are just seasonal, why are you trying to make them stay longer than I planned for you? Others you keep at a distance, are lifetime people and I have placed them there for a reason. You will never get to keep them the way you want, and they will never be who you need. Allow me to remove them, I have other plans for them but you are holding them back and standing in their way. I love you and I want to see things change for you aswell but you have to let go. Stop your friendly fire, and fire upon the enemy. Let me remove the people and things so that "New" can happen. I love you, you are the apple of my eye. I will love you always. Please just turn around. I promise my arms will be wide open for you, and will cover you. I will be here waiting for you until you turn around. I love you, my child. Let's move out of the old and into the new. You are worth it. You are worth the death of my one and only son, that I love so much, so that you and I could have a relationship. Turn, run, cry, yell if you have to, but please TURN and look at me. Know that I am enough for you. I made your heart that way, you have a hole in your heart that only I can fill. I did that on purpose, I AM all you need. Please know I write you this letter in love so that we can move out of this place, into a new, fresh, amazing place that I have designed just for you. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart with you. Please know that I tell you this not to hurt you but for you to know that I AM who I say I AM!!!!
With all my love,
Your Heavenly Father.
I love you my child, I love you!