Christs Heart in Another

I am realizing that things in my life are changing and different than I would have planned but I am so glad that they are better than I would have thought. I love my life even if things aren't how I planned, and even if things are rough. I have an inspiration to be a better person. Even tonight we were talking and I realized that I am sometimes hard on me and others and I want to allow others to be themselves. It shouldn't matter because others let me be me so I need to let them have the same grace. I desire to love others that way. I have such an example and I love that I am learning so much more. I love it. I want to be better, I want to love more and I want to show others how to do that. I love that God is showing me more of himself. Especially when it is in other people, and reflecting God's heart for others. I am just so blessed to have that kind of example in my life. Our conversations are always encouraging to me and I love that there is so much understanding. I am just blessed to have someone who sees things like I do and just wants to see the best brought out in others. I desire to be someone in the world that will push others to be better and see the world differently. I know that learning how to do that only makes it easier for me to encourage others. It is one of those things that you HAVE to walk through so that your understanding is better. I am just so amazed at how things can be brought to your attention when you are in that place to be able to receive the knowledge to change things. I know that I constantly need to be reminded of the things in my life and the attributes that I have that need to change. I know that I need to be better at this and not let negativity out of my mouth. I need to allow that to take a back seat to reality. I know that I have grown up in a place where although I am sure it wasn't intentional negativity was piled on me. I know that there are more positive things that I grew up around more than a lot and I am blessed by that but the negativity was something that had become more evident as I have gotten older. I have been definitely surprised by this and seen it more in family than ever before. I try not to let it affect my spirit but when things in my life aren't exactly how I think they should be I am sad to see that negativity is what is brought out. I know that part of that is because I have messed up in the past and I want to make sure I stay straight, but I don't desire to ever go back there and I know that God has removed that old self from the core. I know that things in my life are definitely different then ever before. I just don't think that sometimes that is revealed to others. I know that things need to change more, hopefully for them to really see me in a different light but I am just so blessed that even though they may not see me as different, that I am. I know that some of the negativity is driven by fear and misunderstanding things. I know some of it is driven by hurt as well. I also know that I can't change the past, all I can do is make better choices in the future. I am so blessed that I have someone who doesn't bring the negativity out in me and allows me to love on others more and see them in a new way. I love you so much for that and I want to thank you for allowing me to be me and yet to change and be a better person. I really am a better person because of you. Thank you, You and My Jesus make me better and make this life and ALL the struggle so worth it. I would walk through all the struggles and fire again just to have someone who understands and sees things like I do. Thank you so much and please just keep being YOU!!! I love you so much and NOTHING will ever change that. I don't care what others might think this is YOU AND ME!!!! Thank you for trusting me with all you have. I will ALWAYS be here no matter what, I will always back you up and I will always understand your heart. I know you know this but I just want to remind you that I feel your heart, Thanks for allowing me to. I love you! Thank you Jesus for this amazing gift you have given to me and thank you so much that you have entrusted me with an amazing heart to take care of and love. Thank you for giving us love for each other and you. Please help each of us to grow more in love with you and to not take for granted the amazing things in each other that you have blessed us with. Thank you that you have entrusted me with things that I want to make sure I am taking care of them with wisdom and love. Thank you Jesus that you blessed me and love me enough to show me your heart for others in another person. Thank you for showing me your heart for me in another person and how much you care and see good in me more than I could ever think. Thank you for loving me that much to take the time to make someone who has your heart, and placing them with me. Thank you!!!!