When Circumstances SCREAM!

Tonight was one of those nights that I wouldn't wish on even my worst enemy, well on Satan but no one else. The ache in my heart and the pain I feel even now, after the shower of God's peace cleans up, continues to bring tears to my eyes. I love God with all that I am and I have fully dedicated my life to do what He has called me to do even when it seems crazy and isn't the popular thing to do. I know that to others I look as if I am a failure and that I look to be a wondering child, when the reality is that I am right where I am supposed to be. I know this because everyday the fight in me gets stronger to do what God has called of me, and yet my circumstances want to lie and say otherwise. I don't want to be a victim to my circumstances. God didn't create me to be restrained by my circumstances, I am to be free from them and see them as trivial in certain areas. I am not sure that even in all the human words there are that I will be able to explain this well, but I will certainly try to give honor to my King. My circumstances look at me and tell me that I am a failure, a disappointment to my family and friends, that I am not worth loving, that I am doomed to be lonely and single the rest of my life, that I deserve to be treated badly, that no one understands me, that I will never be happy in life, that I don't deserve God to bless me, and so on. I think you get the picture of what my circumstances say. BUT, God says that those things aren't true of me. He says that I am not a failure, He is proud of me even when my family and friends don't understand, I am WORTH loving, God has a man out there for me, I don't deserve to be treated bad yet give grace to those who do that, I have some people who understand me even when I don't say a word, I only need Jesus to make me happy, I do deserve God's blessings even if it is in the next life, and so on. God says all these things to me to combat the lies that my situation would scream at me. And believe me it screams my name constantly, yet somehow, and I mean by God's grace, It dulls in comparison to the work God is doing in me. When he whispers my name, and lovingly reminds me that it only matters what HE thinks about me, that speaks so much louder than any scream my circumstances could say to me. I know that breakthrough is right around the corner, and if I can hold on to the promise God has, than I KNOW that there is something better on the other side of this. So I want to encourage you, that when your circumstances scream your name and tell you lies, remember what God says about you and that His whisper can silence the lies and bring calm to your storm. Life is hard with Christ, but honestly it would be a whole lot harder without him. I choose to stand up and say to my circumstances, I will taste and see that the Lord is good. I will stand and see TODAY the salvation of the Lord. You can scream my name all you want, but the names that you are calling out to me, aren't who I am anymore, and I choose not to listen. Join me today, Stand and see TODAY that the Lord Your God is GOOD!!!