What do you choose today?

Today seems to be one of those days where your shoes don't feel right on, your wanting things to go one way and they take a turn, you are happy to be alive and yet something/someone is pushing you to be upset instead. I can feel the struggle today!!! I feel it most days but for some reason I feel the fight stronger today and I know that there HAS to be something UNSEEN going on. These days are alot of times to strengthen us but also there is an underlined battle, the unseen things that cause the seen things to be harder. If you aren't understanding what I mean or if you don't seem to grasp it fully hear me out. Today is NEW full of life, adventure, new encounters and new discoveries, yet YESTERDAY seems to still try and linger when it is no longer welcome. This day is new, my bible says it is, and still the past wants to hold on as if it has a right to. Well it doesn't and in this struggle of who wins today we feel this fight when someone doesn't agree with your choice, or when you are asked to do something for someone which totally causes time to shorten. It is one of those moments that if we aren't careful we can allow the attitude of the moment to take over this day too!! I REFUSE! Today will not be tainted by yesterday, it will not take on OLD things that I have laid at the cross, and I REFUSE to allow anything or anyone to steal my joy! The Joy of the Lord is MY Strength. I am not doing this on my own strength but in the strength of the one who can carry this day! He created it just for us to have one more day of communion with Him. For us to take in one more time the warmth of the beautiful sun, the cool breeze and the fresh air we need. Forget the struggle and the fight for one moment and just allow the breath of Life to begin to change your day!!! When I was starting my teenage journey, I was always told that you can choose how you react to things and you can choose to give into your emotions and let them rule you, or not!! I say this because when things go wrong we can either let it ruin our whole day or we can allow it to frustrate us for a moment and then let it go. I choose JOY, Love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control today!!! No matter what comes at me, I Choose to have a better attitude than yesterday, I choose to have a brighter outlook on life, and I CHOOSE to go out of my way to make someone else's day better!!! Thank you Jesus for another day to love you!!!!!