No Crown without a Cross

I was listening to a song the other day and I was really convicted and ashamed about the way that I act sometimes. Then today I heard that song again and it brought different meaning to me. It is so cool how that happens just like with bible, verses you read, something over and over again and then one day it hits you sideways. That is exactly what this did. The lyrics are refreshing at the same time they are convicting. "There's not a victory, without a fight. There's not a sunrise, without a night. And there's not a purchase without a cost. And there's not a Crown, without a Cross." (Michael English) I am just so amazed at how great those words are and yet how soon I forget them. Everything comes at a price nomatter how great or small it is always costs someone something. I was struggling the other night because I was having a hard time being with some particular friends and being without a boyfriend or husband. As usual I was starting to cry and feel sorry for myself and the Lord gently said, "Your friends need you to be single right now." So for the sake of my friends I am willing to give up that hope and desire right now for the sake of them. I love them all and I am willing to sacrifice for them. Now I hope you don't get the wrong Idea and think that I am telling you this because I am great or anything I just want you to see my heart. I believe this is a statement for my single friends more than for the married ones. I believe that in this wonderful time of being single I can show them that life doesn't start when you are married it starts today. I have learned in my short few years that I can enjoy my single life right now and be JOYFUL in it. I see so many girls today and some guys aswell walking around and being sad. I know why but honestly we have a freedom that tends to disappear for a while as you start to raise children and the responsability factor happens. I want you to know that Christ wants us to live now and wants us to go through this hard time because life tastes a bit sweeter when you have felt the sting of sacrifice. It has a sweet fragrance when you have had darkness all night and that first ray of sunlight hits the sky. The pain seems to lessen as the night turns into morning. It says in the word, "...Weeping may remain for a night, but JOY comes in the morning." Psalm 30:5 So enjoy the weeping, let the sting of sacrifice touch your soul, let that hard thing be hard, because the sun always rises and the morning ALWAYS comes. Be thankful that the pain and toil of life hurts because it makes the joy all that much sweeter. So fight the good fight of faith and let yourself sweat alittle, because that makes the victory that much greater.
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