BIG GOD, little me
I was listening to a sermon this morning by John Courson and He was talking about a portion of the children's books " The Chronicles of Narnia." These words hit me like a ton of bricks, I love what C.S. Lewis was trying to get across when he wrote this. Aslan and Lucy are in a conversation and Lucy tells Aslan that she is thirsty. Now knowing that Aslan is a representation of Jesus Christ and so I hope you see the point I am trying to make. Aslan responds to her by telling her,"Drink of the water, Lucy." "If I drink of the water, will you promise not to eat me?" "NO! I devour kingdoms and destroy nations. I do what I choose and there is no one that can stop me. I make no promise to you." She looks at Aslan,"Well then, If you don't promise not to eat me, then I won't drink of the water." "Then you'll thirst to death, Lucy." So then she chooses to drink, and nothing happens. I agree with John Courson when he said that C.S. Lewis was driving home a real point that God doesn't make deals with us. He's GOD!!!! It hit me strange when he said that because I know God is just and God is HOLY but I felt that there was a lack of emplying that there was no compassion in God. That isn't the case and he was just making a point that sometimes I think there is a lack of respect and reverance when it comes to the Lord. I see it alot in younger people. There isn't any respect for authority figures or anything. So to talk to them about reverance they don't understand it. I guess this just is one of those hard things that we don't like but it is just as much scripture as Jesus dying on the cross for us. We need to not only let Him save us from sin but we need to understand that God makes no deal with us. Yes, He loves us and sent His son to die for us, but that was HIS choice. Deuteronomy 32:39 says:"...I put to death and I bring to life, I have wounded and I will heal, and no one can deliver out of my hand." I know I have my moments of wanting God to be my friend, and He is, but HE is GOD and I can't forget that. Thank you Jesus for the reminder of how BIG you really are and yet how much you love me. Thank you for that reminder.
