Feathers aren't just for flying

Last night I was listening to my music before I went to sleep and I was sad because a song came on that reminded me of something that God is working on in my life and it stung. I will tell you that I cried a bit and then I turned my head to face the Lord. I know that His ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. He moves and works outside of space and time. He is a creator, not a duplicator and He loves me enough to keep me struggling so I don't lose focus on the fight. Yet when we ask our Father to show us something to keep our hope and faith alive, He does it His own way and in His own time. Well I prayed and laid it all back on Christ before I went to sleep. This morning I woke up to a glimmer of hope in my current circumstance. He was confirming something to me and blessed me by whom this message came through. My friend in New Zealand, whom I love so much and miss her and her family terribly. She was used by God for ME!!! I was floored this morning when I woke up. 

I am blessed by her obedience to this and for sharing it with me. Then I got up and got ready for the day. I put on a cute necklace my sister gave me for my birthday this year and earrings that matched. They were turquoise feathers. As I was waiting for my breakfast, God asked me to read Ps. 91. I began reading it and  verse 4 jumped out at me it says:
"He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge, His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart." 

I am sure you can guess where this is going. God confirmed to me again, which He didn't have to but He chose to, that He has a plan and that I will be covered with His feathers. Its a new promise to me that I want to hang on to. I want you to know that you can hope in Jesus like that and He can cover you with His feathers. He can have people you don't expect hear God for you when you are having trouble listening to God clearly. I am blessed to be surrounded with such people and to know them. I am count them dear to me, even if they live far away right now from me. Praise the Lord for fellowship, even if it is 1,000's of miles away. I pray the Lord would bless you today and cover you with His feathers. 


Shiningraye said…
I love this! And you! Happy Birthday precious sister!

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