
Why are we always so surprised when God answers us? Why do we think He doesn’t hear us when we ask? What lies about God have we believed to come to this conclusion? Why do we say we believe and then when talking to another believer say, “Can you believe what God did?” I ask these questions because I find it so funny. If we are TRULY walking out our faith and asking God for things, seeking his face, and knocking on doors until they open, then WHY in the world should we be SHOCKED when He answers. Now this is only my opinion but shouldn’t we EXPECT God to hear us, if we approach him with a pure heart? Shouldn’t we EXPECT that He will answer us? Shouldn’t we EXPECT that He will do exceedingly abundantly above ALL we could ask or think, according to HIS riches in Glory? Is that what your bible says? It is what mine says. SO then why in the world are we NOT using this faith to reach the lost? Why are we so surprised when things go right, and yet most of the time think automatically they will go wrong? I ask all these questions to prove a point. God asks us to walk by FAITH, not by sight. He asks us to Trust in HIM. Yet when he does what He says, we can’t believe it. O Ye of little faith, (me included) how silly of us to say that we trust and believe and then be surprised. How many more lives would we touch if we JUST walked in the power of God? Trusted in the Creator who lives within us? Took the Bible at its word? I hope that you see my heart in this, I am trying to bring into the light what Satan would LOVE for us to just believe. That we CAN’T have BIG faith, things ALWAYS go wrong, God doesn’t hear or answer us. That we aren’t right with God or He would do things our way. He fails to remind you that He and his fallen angels believe in Jesus too, why do you think they all work so hard at getting people to believe their lies? They KNOW the power we carry and the Name we have been given. They all know who’s kid we are and the TRUTH about the end, yet we believe the lie. If you were handed a $100 bill and didn’t use it because you weren’t sure it was real or fake. Unless you have been trained to know the difference you may just throw it away hoping that it was fake. How do the FBI and all those government agencies tell counterfeit money immediately, because they work with the real thing all the time that they can spot a fake instantly. It is the same way with us, when you are standing on the truth, and diving into it and filling yourself with it at all times, when a lie comes at you, you can spot it out. Because you KNOW the truth, the lie doesn’t penetrate your soul. Ok so follow me here, this will make sense in a moment. So if you are standing on God’s TRUTH and you are exercising the faith that you have been given, then why does God’s goodness shock us more than the trials we face? Now I am not going to get on you about how often you read your word, or spend time with God. That is your business and honestly, your relationship is unique, but I will tell you that the more you immerse yourself in the truth about who God is and the power He has given us, the more you will be able to tell when the lies of the enemy come at you and try to deter you from who you are, what you are called to be, and the power you carry in your faith. Just remember, when you KNOW the Truth, it is that which shall set you FREE!!! Be free today!