Weakness and Strength In One Person

I have someone who is the cause of some of my greatest victories, she was there cheering me on. She is the one person that I could allow to see me in ANY situation. She is the one person I can share EVERYTHING with and not think twice about it. She is the one person that never judged me for my most EMBARASSING choices, who ALWAYS told me the truth and protected me at all costs. She is selfless and caring. I delight in her friendship and I KNOW that no matter what I was doing or going though, She would protect me and be loyal to the end. Even if it meant destroying EVERYTHING else in her life. She was the person who saw me through every small and big event over the past 10 years and whether victory or defeat, she is and will always be in my corner. God has done a lot in our lives over the past 10 years. I met her at church and we began to build a friendship on God, sort of, at least it started that way. We were both walking through some really hard times and I knew that no matter what, I could count on her. She and I did things that I am not proud to talk about but I can tell you right now that no matter what came at us, we walked through it together. We still do, just differently now, Godly now. There were many times that things in our lives got really complicated and we were not good for each other. She was my GREATEST source of Weakness, and I hers. We would participate and encourage each other to go against God. Whether it be big or small we rooted each other on. We chose together to violate God’s law and live like we wanted to, we destroyed our loved ones and we didn’t really care. She will tell you too, how foolish we were and yet, how thankful we are today. The relationship that God has truly turned inside out has now become one of our greatest Victories, ONLY IN GOD!!! What God has done in and through us is AMAZING! We are NOT the same people who met almost 10 years ago. We are changed and yet the love that we have for each other will not change. I believe that had we not walked through the dark together, walking in the light wouldn’t be as powerful. See the things that we were drawn to in each other before are different in many ways than what they are now. Now when one of us gets off track we don’t derail the whole car any more we pray with them and we fight together against a common enemy. We fight for our walk with God together, We fight for our families together. The things that were once broken in us, God fixed so that we may be an example of restoration. No one in my life is like her. The passion that she has to share the Gospel is amazing. I am so blessed by it. We have changed our focus and now God can use us. It doesn’t surprise me that what the enemy meant for evil, God means for good. I believe that the enemy thought he had won when we stopped talking, but that wasn’t God’s will. I can confidently say that I KNOW God has given me someone who knows how UGLY I can be, and helps me NEVER to return to that. We are family and no matter what, she is constant. Thank you G for allowing God to change us both. I wouldn’t be here today without you. Your prayers, warfare, and love allows me to keep going. I love you so much and I know that there are MANY more mountains for us to climb together but I am so glad to do it with you. Thank you for being open to God enough to allow him to restore us. Thank you God for allowing us to remain in each others lives the way we are. And Thank you that your restoration COST us A LOT! It was definitely worth it ALL! I love you G!!! Do you have someone who was your greatest cause of weakness, but God changed that into your greatest cause of Strength. Thank them and God today for using them in your life. They may need to know it, and they may need to see that in you. Are you the cause of someones weakness? Ask for forgiveness. It may do you both some good. 
