Are you called to be a Dandelion or a Palm Tree?
As I sit at work, I can look out the window and the view I have is of two rows of Palm Trees.
I love those trees, and not just because they remind me of Hawaii, which is a bonus, but because they are a symbol to me. They represent flexibility and strength. Here in So. Cal. you don't always get to see the amazing ability they have to bend and NOT break unless the Santa Ana Winds are here but even at that it isn't as impressive until you see it in wind such as a hurricane. But things like that aren't the daily routine so many of us will never see it first hand. You are probably wondering why I picked such different things.
A Dandelion to me is something I think of when I think of Missionary Workers. They are called to be salt and light everywhere they go, SO are we but track with me here for a second. Ok so if they are called to move and travel to share the "Good News" of Jesus, then they can't be tied down and have BIG roots dragging everywhere. God may call them to different people in different areas at different seasons in their lives. I see a Dandelion being available to do that. The petals allow God to direct them and they trust that He knows what is best for them and where they should be planted for a season and then go share somewhere again. It is an amazing blessing to be able to be a Dandelion. Ok so let me make myself clear, just because you are a Dandelion doesn't mean you aren't strong and flexible. The same goes for you if you are a Palm Tree, I am not saying that you wouldn't get up and move if God said to Go! I am making a general statement that we are not ALL called to GO, and we are also not all called to STAY! My goal here isn't to tell you or even explain, my Goal here is to make you think about what you are. My personality is to go and just have NO roots, to go and not have a normal grounded life. I love new adventures and if I could I would choose to go and be a Dandelion but I know that I am called to be a palm tree. Not only because I love them and because that is the meaning of my name, but because it goes against my flesh nature. I am called to stay where it counts and to flourish with the sphere of influence God has given me. I am to stay and move mountains here. I am called to stand strong and yet bend and be flexible when the strong winds come and the storms rage. In my nature I would leave because to me that is easy and more fun. But that is how come I KNOW that I am to stay. I NEED to share the foundation I have with the Dandelions in MY life. I am called to put my roots down deep here and to stay awhile. That doesn't mean I won't ever be called anywhere else, but it does mean that for now, I am to stay and do what God has called me to do here. One of my favorite verses in a song is this:

"He is jealous for me Loves like a hurricane I am a tree Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy When all of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by Glory And I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me..." How He Loves-Kim Walker.
Lord I want to make sure that this is my heart at all times. I have heard it said, "It is easier to bend your knee than your heart." Lord, please allow me to always have a kneeling heart towards you. I love you so much and I am so blessed that you desire to use me here, where I am grounded. Thank you.
What does your name mean? Which one are you called to be? Dandelion or Palm Tree?