Live and Balance EVERYTHING

I know that it has been awhile and so I thought I would give some time to sharing with you what has been going on with me and how things are changing in me. I am relearning to live as ME. I have always been that way to an extent and I have always tried to not allow things others say dictate my choices, especially the older that I get and I work at not allowing them to make me try and have to be anyone other than EXACTLY who God made me to be. But lately it has been brought out to my attention that I have been trying to be someone that others have convinced me for years I HAVE to be. That simply isn’t true. All I can do is be true to who I am and who God has made me to be. I have to be honest with myself and allow God to direct me. The other day my dad was talking about how we make plans and they don’t seem to go the same way that we had planned. I know that something we KNOW what we are to do and yet our plans don’t seem to work. But it is only when we truly let go of what we want that God is allowed the room to do in us what HE wants and all that He desires for us to do in our lives. I know that this may seem so simple but it was a simple truth that totally hit me right between the eyes. I had an amazing person tell me to “LIVE” and I will be pleasing God. WOW!!! No one has ever said that to me. I have been trying for so long and so hard to be right with God and ONLY through JESUS’ BLOOD can that happen. I CAN’T do it on my own. It isn’t what I can accomplish or how much I include Him in my daily tasks, but it is how I respond and how I choose to LIVE. I want HIM to shine through me but that is only when I GIVE HIM the ROOM. I have to just honestly sit at His feet. I know that to many people that may seem like a cop out but the reality of it is stated in the bible, when Jesus is talking to Martha and tells her that sitting at His feet is the better choice. Now there is also a thing called balance, and that I have NEVER done well. But I am learning how to do that and I am learning how to properly apply the things that I know. It’s hard when you know fundamentals of Christianity but to get your heart to understand what you know in your head is the challenge. You can’t make your heart understand, that has to honestly be an act of God and trust me, in my life, it is. Today I am learning how to be me and not have all this RELIGIOUS stuff that has been shoved down my throat for so long. I have to clean out the pipes and filter through all the stuff I know and live in the reality that I have been called to, “For such a time as this.” Thank you Jesus for showing me this before it is too late. I know Lord that YOU planned BIG things in my life and I KNOW you put that in me, but Lord I want to wait on you. Thank you for your timing, and for your will to be accomplished. Thank you that You planned these things long ago and I can trust them. Thank you that I can trust YOUR WILL. Thank you that YOU are faithful in ALL you do and thank you that no matter what I DO, YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR WAY!!! Thank you so much for loving me just as I am, and yet changing me and making me become more like you and better than I am today. Thank you for revealing these simple truths to me so that I can learn and not have to walk through this AGAIN!!! Thank you that you love me and sent your Son to die on the cross for me. Thank you so much that you have taught me to LIVE and BALANCE. I love you Faithful Father!!!