Today I got a glimpse into some people who I thought were changing and to see that they aren't makes me want to test my own heart. I never want to be one of those people who doesn't allow others to change and yet who wants to keep them in a box that I have placed them in. I want to allow others to grow and let them change at their own pace. I have someone I know who is close to me that has been trying to change and yet they can't seem to really LET GO of all they need to. There is a person in their life that they hold on to even if it isn't good for them. I love this person so very much but I know that I need to allow them to change and make their own choices. I can't do it for them, I can't tell them what to do even though I want to and require them to change. As they allow me to be that way, I need to give them the same grace. Although, how do you do that with someone you care about and want to see them freed, once and for all, of all the things that hold them back from what God wants for them. How do you let them know you care about them from stepping back? How can you tell them that they can't fool you into thinking they are doing well, when you feel they aren't, and that the people that they choose to consume them will only cause more harm then good. I love them so much but I have to wonder if they really want GOD or just the gifts he gives. I know that they love Him but honestly do they choose to live and fight because of who he is or what he does for them. Like I said I love this person but I choose to obey Christ and be honest about this rather than to keep this in my heart. I know that I am not to judge them and I don't want that responsibility but to see the way that I know they try and cover things up makes it hard not to see the reality of who they are. I have seen it in them for a while, I want them to change and I refuse to push, but I do want to see them be better. I have to just truly release them to God and let go. I can't take on their burdens when they don't seem to want to change. Seeing how hard they try to show me and others that they have changed makes me question really how much they have. I see they want to, yet they don't allow the Holy Spirit any room to change them. I just want to say that I love you with all my heart, I won't give up on praying for you but I will release you to God and give him total reign. I will drag you into the throne room of God daily, and I will fight for you. I will love you always, and when you really choose to change I will be here, yet, I choose to step back, allowing God the room he needs. I want to share the blessings of God we have been promised but when that person isn't doing ALL that God requires, then I will move forward and pray that one day they will catch up. I know that they are to be apart of the big vision and that they are to let go of all, but God can't move until they are willing to leave their place of comfort with reckless abandon. I know that my life at times is one that causes others to look at themselves and choose. I will not apologize for who God made me. I will not hold back who I am, or my choices because it makes others uncomfortable. There is a time to do that and a time to speak, now is the time to speak. Just please know that I love you and I choose to love you through this, even if I am not in your daily life. You mean alot to me and that will never change. I know that God isn't going to do the samething in you that he did in me. I am sorry about that, but allow him to do what HE wants to so that your life can be better. Just remember that I see you, and I love you for who you are, no matter what! Lord, you know my heart, please allow this person to see you for who YOU are, and allow them to let you change them. I want them to embark on this journey too, Thank you for putting them in my life and please allow change to happen. Thank you so much! I love you Jesus!