
Showing posts from July, 2008

New things to come

Ok so walking in Gods will isn't EVER easy but it is ALWAYS RIGHT!!! I have to make sure that my attitude and my mind is in the right place when I make choices that don't seem very logical. I understand that God works in mysterious ways, so who can't I make a choice that is causing me to take a leap of faith and totally trust God, instead of just getting by on yesterdays MANNA! I want to live on new manna, fresh, just for today. I have a hard time when God confirms things over and over again, that this is what I am supposed to be doing and yet, I know it is going to be scary and hard. Even now as I write this, God shows me that his favor and his faithfulness are here. My friend told me that as long as your heart is in the right place and you are doing all you can to please God he will lead you. You can't go wrong, but you can fall, the whole point of our walk is to see how we respond when we fall, and where we go. I know for a fact that God himself has been speaking to ...

Walking By Faith

Well Here I go!!! God spoke to me today and no matter what you think, I know he did. No matter what I think or how I feel, when God talks, I listen...I decided along time ago that no matter what I would obey His voice. So that is what I am doing! Its called walking by Faith, and not by sight. I am stepping out of the boat and I am going to walk on water like PETER did!!! I am going to WALK ON WATER!!!! Its also very hard when others don't understand or didn't hear what you did. I know that I don't have to answer to anyone except God in reality, but sometimes it is also important to have enough respect for the circumstance to explain your decisions. I am taking back my life from others who I feel like I have allowed the role I should have assumed along time ago. I am reclaiming MY LIFE! Not to live for me, or to waste as I did before but to live it the way I was meant to, In total surrender and worship to God. I know that I am ready, willing and able to do what God has calle...

Letter from I AM!

My Child, Please allow me to share with you my heart for you, some may be hard to read but know that I have your best interest at heart and I love you, deeply. Thank you for allowing me to bare your burdens, Thank you for crying out to me from the depths of your soul. Know that I AM Holy and Just, as well as the Lover of your soul. I AM as consistent as the waves. I love you with an everlasting love, love that will not falter with the wind and will not die or grow cold. It will not fade with years gone by, change with the seasons, or lessen by your choices. I love you with all that I AM and I love you with all that I know you can be. There is so much more for you My Love, there is a depth that you could never imagine, I want to take you to. There are things in you that I know you want to change NOW but please allow me to do what I need, so that you can see things differently. I know that you are afraid to let go with all of you and just trust. I know that holding on to the past will n...


This morning I was awaken to some amazing songs in worship, and I was just so blessed. Then I realized what time it was and that I needed to get up and be to work early. I know that things aren't always how they seem and there are devised intentions in others to either go after or protect. I know that there are things in life that aren't to be taken lightly yet others need to be taken with a grain of salt. I know that in life you can have a great moment, even during the wee hours in worship, and the next get ambushed. I know that our stuggle isn't against flesh and blood, but against the prince of palities and powers of this dark world. I know that and yet there are moments, not that I forget, but that I just need something physical to make responsible. I want to not be so concerned with the name that I have, as I am concerned as the name that I CARRY with me! I hope you understand the difference. I want to make sure that the name that I carry with me isn't tainted by m...

Christs Heart in Another

I am realizing that things in my life are changing and different than I would have planned but I am so glad that they are better than I would have thought. I love my life even if things aren't how I planned, and even if things are rough. I have an inspiration to be a better person. Even tonight we were talking and I realized that I am sometimes hard on me and others and I want to allow others to be themselves. It shouldn't matter because others let me be me so I need to let them have the same grace. I desire to love others that way. I have such an example and I love that I am learning so much more. I love it. I want to be better, I want to love more and I want to show others how to do that. I love that God is showing me more of himself. Especially when it is in other people, and reflecting God's heart for others. I am just so blessed to have that kind of example in my life. Our conversations are always encouraging to me and I love that there is so much understanding. I am j...

The Fight

I am reading this amazing book and although it is taking all of my brain power and challenging me to read better, it has opened my eyes to a new side of Spiritual Warfare. I have only gone through the first 25 pages or so and I am already seeing things that happen in prayer and battle that is so common. I am seeing things that can be portrayed as trivial and are in reality things that can lead us away from the throne room one little inch at a time. I like this quote in it by C.S. Lewis, "At the very least, they can be persuaded that the bodily position makes no difference to their prayers; for they constantly forget, what you must always remember, that they are animals and that whatever their bodies do affects their souls. Its funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds; in reality our best work is done by keeping things out." (The Screwtape Letters) This is such an amazing way to look at prayer. That we can be so focused on not being in a physical ...