Crowning Glory

Have you ever thought of what a crown actually represents? Have you ever thought why they are so important? Or why in the world they are so desired by little girls? I don't claim to understand or know it all by any means but I can give you my thoughts on it. I know that being one of those little girls what it was like to want one and to see others have it and not totally getting how come they are so desired. Even now I desire to have one, I wear one on my hand as a symbol but what do they mean? Well I see them as something that God honestly created to represent chosen or honored people. Some people in History and even today, in the countries that still have a monarchy, have some who disgrace the crown they are privileged enough to wear. Are you one of those? Are you honorable enough to wear a crown and not disgrace the family you represent? I know that there are days I can confidently say I think so but for the most part I would have to say No, it isn't reflected in my attitude or my actions. I would love to say that isn't the case but I am a sinful person just like you and I don't always do the right thing. I desire to represent my Crown and my Lord well but that isn't always the case. I know that Crowns are for royalty even though some don't deserve it. When you look at a monarchy they gain the throne because of who their family is not, not because they deserve it. Have you ever seen yourself that way? Did you realize today when you woke up this morning that you didn't deserve that crown but yet you get to wear it because of the NAME you carry now as a Christian. Do you think that you might act different tomorrow if you thought about the crown you get to wear because of whose family you are in now? I know I will. I will not let the older person driving in front of me bother me so much. I will be kinder to the person walking across the street because their job doesn't pay them enough to get a car. I will smile at others I meet in the Grocery line. My Father is the King and that makes me royalty. Maybe I should start acting like that. I know that it says that we will get crowns in heaven but who says that we aren't wearing them NOW!!! Just because you can't see something, Doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Thank you Jesus that we are your Crowning Glory.