First ON-AIR Radio Program
So I have officially been on the RADIO!!! Hahahaha!!! It was amazing, last night I was given the opportunity to share my testimony on the radio station here and I was truly blessed and blown away by the reality of what has happened in my life. I shared why I am here and the Host she asked me if I realized what I left to come here. I explained that when God calls, it doesn't matter what you have to leave, if you want to have a deeper walk with God, then you will do what HE has asked of you. I know that God has a plan and that no matter what, I am here to share the saving love of Jesus. I am so blessed that God has chosen someone like me. I am grateful to be available and used by the Lord. This has been such an amazing opportunity already and I am just a week into it. I can't wait to see what God is going to do during this time. The Host that I worked with last night is a teacher at the High School and she is single and around my age so it has been great to get to know her and to talk to her about what God is doing. I can see that as things are shared between us, God moves, and He moves mightily. I know that God's presence is here like I haven't felt in a very long time. I am so blessed that God has me here and able to be apart of a people who truly seek after God. I was talking to the Host last night shared with me that as I spoke about taking our youth to Skid Row, and how rough it is there, she shared with me that if things are like that in America, they have NOTHING to complain about. WOW!!! I was floored. She said that there is nothing for her to complain about and that she wants to be more grateful. I sat there speechless. I have just been so amazed at what the Lord has done so far. I wait with expectancy to see what else the Lord will do. Thank you for your prayers to share BOLDLY the great grace of the Gospel. I pray that these words bring you encouragement and fill your souls as this has filled mine, until next time.