First days in Tonga
I am finally HERE, the place my heart has longed for, the place I have missed and never been to. I am sitting in the office of the radio station I will primarily be working with and staying near. It has already been such a blessing to be here with a warm and hospitable people. I am blessed to know that no matter where I am in the world, being with believers is always home.
Yesterday was my very first service with the Tongan people and I was at home, because the Spirit of the Lord was there. I was asked to get up and share, so that was even more amazing. I cried the entire time because the presence of the Lord was so strong. I walked in to the service and began to cry a bit because I was in the house of the Lord. It was such a blessing and I was so happy to be able to fellowship with others who truly love the Lord. Then after our souls were fed, they had lunch for us. It was amazing. I am learning so many things and I am trying to make sure that I am making myself available for all that God has for me here. I am loving just the ministry opportunities that I am able to have. Tonight will be my first night with the Youth on Fire show that they do here at the radio station. I am so excited to be able to experience the ministry of the youth programs. I am going to be at the radio station daily and then doing discipleship classes Tuesday night through Friday night in different villages throughout the island and then going into schools in the morning on Thursdays and Fridays. I have the opportunity to even get into the jail ministry that they have once a month and maybe a few other things here and there. Most of my next few months will consist of ministry daily and then possibly the chance to see some of the island as well.
The Lord has showed me already that as long as I am close to Him, HE is my family and I won't ever feel alone. The host family I am staying with is amazing and I am blessed to be with them. Please pray for them as well, the Lord graciously provides and I want to make sure I am apart of that. I know that I can't do all that much but I pray that me being here, helping out around the house, and learning them as well as learning me, allows us to be close and that it is a sweet time while I am here. I will tell you more about them and show you some pictures of them later but I will leave you a picture of the view I have from the room I work in. May the Lord bless you and Keep you. May His face shine down upon you. :)
Yesterday was my very first service with the Tongan people and I was at home, because the Spirit of the Lord was there. I was asked to get up and share, so that was even more amazing. I cried the entire time because the presence of the Lord was so strong. I walked in to the service and began to cry a bit because I was in the house of the Lord. It was such a blessing and I was so happy to be able to fellowship with others who truly love the Lord. Then after our souls were fed, they had lunch for us. It was amazing. I am learning so many things and I am trying to make sure that I am making myself available for all that God has for me here. I am loving just the ministry opportunities that I am able to have. Tonight will be my first night with the Youth on Fire show that they do here at the radio station. I am so excited to be able to experience the ministry of the youth programs. I am going to be at the radio station daily and then doing discipleship classes Tuesday night through Friday night in different villages throughout the island and then going into schools in the morning on Thursdays and Fridays. I have the opportunity to even get into the jail ministry that they have once a month and maybe a few other things here and there. Most of my next few months will consist of ministry daily and then possibly the chance to see some of the island as well.