Stretching isn't just for athletes

I can honestly say that I haven't ever been stretched this much as I am walking through this season right now and watching God stretch not only me, but those around me. I am so excited and nervous a bit to see what God is going to do but I am sure just by looking at my blog as to what area of the world God has truly place not just on my heart but in it. I have such a love for the people of Tonga and can't wait to join them on their journey's in life. So incase you are unaware as to what God is doing in my life, God has set a DEEP desire for me to take what I can from here and go about 5000 miles across the Pacific Ocean to this amazing little country with 176 islands called Tonga. No I didn't sneeze, The Kingdom of Tonga is an amazing place and I can't wait to be there. I know that this may come as a shock to you but God is daily drawing me to go and show others what God's heart is for them. I am not sure how long I will be there, I have decided that I need to atleast stay a year and learn more about me and find out what God desires of me. I know that this isn't all I was created to do. I just wanted to share this exciting news with you so that you can be in prayer with me and so that you can too rejoice in all that happens. I am just so honored to be used by God and I can't wait to see all that He has for me to do there. I choose to be available to God as much as possible, but that hasn't come at an easy price. I believe that even though I will miss most of the first year in my soon to be born niece's life, that as God begins to stretch me and as I continually leave myself to open and available, God will allow her and I to have an amazing relationship. And even if that doesn't happen, I KNOW that I have to remain open and available to Him. I was created to please God and to give Him Glory. This life is NOT about me, it never has been and it never will be. It is SOULY about what God did for us. I am just so honored that He would even choose to use me. Lord, I give you permission to stretch me and make me EXACTLY who you wanted me to be. Thank you Lord, and please help me with your stretching as I prepare to leave. Help me rely on you more and trust you more than ever before. MAHALO!!!!