November 13th is a very important day for the Christian community and I hope that you were able to share in it a little bit. It is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. At the radio station we had all day prayer and intercession On-Air for the persecuted across the world. We placed posters up of the people that have been affected by this. It is heart-wrenching to see these people suffer. Here at the station we had a bunch of people come in at different times and just pray together and war in a way that was totally selfless. I believe that as we join together for a cause that is totally selfless and outside of our wants and needs, God can move even more freely because we just desire for God to strengthen those people and to give them more opportunity to share Christ with others. I want to leave you with some pictures that touched my heart. I pray they touch yours too.

This is a woman who went to the peaceful protesting in Egypt with her Fiance'. He told her not to leave him or let go of his hand. So after he died this is her keeping that promise.